Institutional Effectiveness Council

(Much of our community would recognize the Assessment Committee as an active university body since 2001. In August 2013, regular assessment led to updates of its name and membership, now formed as the Institutional Effectiveness Council.)


The Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC) is responsible for overseeing the process of measuring institutional performance against the UIW mission. Continuous improvement processes serve as a framework to link mission to planning in the specific areas of: educational programs, to include student learning outcomes; administrative support services; academic and student support services; research; and community/public service. As a standing subcommittee of the University Planning Commission (UPC), the Committee is chaired by the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and reports to the UPC through the Provost.

The IEC's functions

  • Solicit periodic assessment updates from the University Strategic Goal Chairs, to report to the UPC.
  • Coordinate, and consult as needed, the annual and five-year Program Review processes for all major educational programs, including the Core Curriculum, and all administrative and academic offices and services.
  • Facilitate dialog and projects that encourage collaborative and integrative assessment.
  • Coordinate analysis of all major institutional surveys and report results to the UPC which will identify actions to improve UIW effectiveness.
  • Communicate assessment activities and results to the broader UIW community and maintain an Institutional Effectiveness website.
  • Approve the scheduling and target audiences for University-wide assessment instruments used with students, faculty, administrators, staff, or alumnae. This role is subsequent to any IRB reviews that might be needed.
  • Monitor compliance with SACSCOC accreditation requirements related to assessment.

Minimum Membership

  • Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness (chair)
  • VP for Mission and Ministry
  • Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
  • 1 additional Academic Dean — (appointed by the Provost for a 2-year term)*
  • 3 Faculty with assessment experience – (appointed by the Provost for 3-year terms)*
  • Director of Athletics
  • Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Director of Assessment, Extended Academic Programs
  • Director of Institutional Research
  • Director of the Center for Civic Leadership
  • Dean of Student Success
  • Dean of Campus Life
  • (Ex Officio, receiving minutes)
  • Provost
  • VP for Student Services and Enrollment Management
  • VP for Information Services

* selected to assure representation from Main Campus, Extended Studies, and Professional Schools