The Word E-News Archive

Sr. Kathleen Coughlin, CCVI, vice president for institutional advancement, and Dr. Lou Agnese, UIW president, celebrated the dedication of the new UIW Fine Arts Complex and Kelso Art Center on Wednesday, Oct. 14. In attendance for the historic ribbon-cutting event with the community were Sr. Teresa Maya, CCVI, congregational coordinator, Betty and Lt. Col. Robert Kelso (Ret.), Barbara Condos, Charles Lutz, William Gokelman, professor of music, Miguel Cortinas, chair of the art department, and Cakky Brawley, artist.
Our Lady's Chapel Services
All are welcome.
- Noon Mass, Monday - Friday
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m.
- Sunday evening mass resumes at 8 p.m.
- Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer at 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. (210) 829-3131 or
Noon Mass Cancelled - Friday, Oct. 16
Due to Fall Break and an administrative staff retreat, noon mass on Friday, Oct. 16 has been cancelled. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Dimas at (210) 829-3128 or
Alumni Memorial Mass
The Alumni Memorial Mass is at 10:30 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 25 in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word. It is our annual remembrance of our departed alumni and Sisters concluding with a brief prayer in the Sisters' cemetery. For more info, contact Brenda Dimas at (210) 829-3128 or
Taizé Prayer Service
You are cordially invited to participate in a service of contemplative worship in the tradition of Taizé beginning at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 27 in Our Lady's Chapel. For more information, please contact University Mission and Ministry at (210) 829-3128 or Lena Gokelman at
An Evening with Azar Nafisi
Sr. Kathleen Coughlin, CCVI, vice president for institutional advancement, with the San Antonio Public Library Foundation, is sponsoring an event at 5 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 18 in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. Azar Nafisi, bestselling author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, will be conducting a book reading and talk, and this event is free! She will also be presenting her new book, The Republic of Imagination. Books are available for purchase if anyone wants a signed copy. All students, faculty, staff and administrators are welcome. Immediately following at 6 p.m. is a cocktail reception and dinner with the author. Tickets and table sponsorships are available. Anyone who wants to attend should RSVP for the free event to Brianna Kirk at The 6 p.m. event requires a registration and payment. Please email Brianna or call: (210) 225-4728, X16 to purchase tickets.
Arts and Music Festival
We are accepting visual and wearable art donations for the 6th annual UIW Arts and Music Festival now through Monday, Oct. 19. These can be paintings, sketches, designs, sculptures, jewelry or other manifestations of your creativity. Donations will be displayed in the library in the weeks preceding the festival so the sooner we receive it the better. Contact Olivia Morales for more info and to alert her to your donation at Proceeds from general UIW donations will go to the Fine Arts Building Fund.
Professional Golf Management Facility Grand Opening
Please join the UIW community to celebrate the grand opening of the H-E-B School of Business and Administration Professional Golf Management Facility at 10 a.m., Monday, Oct. 19 located at 4234 SE Military Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78222. RSVPs are not required but are encouraged for organizers to plan accordingly. For more info, contact Taylor Nurmi at (210) 829-6001 or
UIW Bookstore 2-Day Sale
Receive 25% off all hooded sweatshirts, sweatpants, backpacks, fashion bags (including Vera Bradley) and blankets on Tuesday, Oct. 20 through Wednesday, Oct. 21. For more information, contact Anne Richards at (210) 829-6056 or
Journey of Hope...From Violence to Healing
The family members of murder victims will speak of their experiences and why they now stand for alternatives to the death penalty from 3 - 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 in the Mabee Library Auditorium. Journey "storytellers" come from all walks of life and represent the full spectrum and diversity of faith, color and economic situation. They are real people who know first-hand the aftermath of the insanity and horror of murder. They recount their tragedies and their struggles to heal as a way of opening dialogue on the death penalty. The Journey spotlights murder victim's family members who choose not to seek revenge, and instead select the path of love and compassion for all of humanity. Forgiveness is seen as strength and as a way of healing. For more info, contact Dr. Roger Barnes at (210) 829-3976 or
Blackout Pep Rally
Join the community for the UIW Blackout Pep Rally and meet your Men's and Women's basketball teams from 9:15 - 10:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 23 at the McDermott Convocation Center. Free throw contest, dunk contest, special performances, free t-shirts and a lot of other prizes. A fun night of basketball! Be sure to wear your best glow in the dark attire! For more info, contact Camelia Trahan at (210) 805-3012 or
UIW Alumni and Parents Homecoming Family BBQ and Tailgate
Bring your friends and family to visit UIW and enjoy a tailgate Cardinal style from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24 at the Red Zone. Food and drinks will be available as well as musical entertainment for the adults and fun games for kids. This tailgate is family friendly and is the official gathering place for alumni, parents and friends during UIW Homecoming. The cost is $5 per person. For more info, contact Gaby Gonzales at (210) 805-5899 or
Food Culture: Kabsa
Join the UIW Institute of World Cultures from 3 - 4 p.m., Monday, Oct. 26 in the ICC Boardroom 1 for a food culture event featuring Kabsa. Kabsa is the main dish of Saudi Arabia. For more info, contact Wei Cheng Tung at (210) 294-2419 or
Effort Aims to Curb Gun Deaths
You are invited to read this article from the National Catholic Reporter (Aug. 14, 2015) and come discuss it from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 26 in the Brackenridge Villa. Dr. Roger Barnes, Dr. Doshie Piper and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk will lead this discussion. Co-sponsored by the CCVI Sisters International Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee. For more info, contact Sr. Martha Ann Kirk at (210) 829-3854 or
Touchdown Tuesday at the UIW Bookstore
On Tuesday, Oct. 27, receive 5% discount for each touchdown scored by your UIW Cardinals the previous Saturday. There will be a maximum of 20% off regular priced clothing and gifts. Certain exclusions apply. This will be available in store and online, those dates only. For more info, contact Anne Richards at (210) 829-6056 or
Annual Peace Day Events:
On the last Wednesday of October, the community of UIW remembers a beloved faculty member who was violently killed, Dr. Bernard O'Halloran. Therefore, the community promotes education on justice and peace in the world. See Exhibits outside near the Library and attend presentations in the Library Auditorium.
- 10:30 - 11:45 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 in the Mabee Library Auditorium: "The Death Penalty" shared by Dr. Roger C. Barnes. Recently Pope Francis I called for the global abolition of the death penalty in his address to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress, "The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. . . . . every life is sacred." For Information:
- 12 - 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 on Dubuis Lawn: "Playing for Peace," Music for Compassion, Justice, and Peace from many countries shared by International Students and their friends. Music exchange, international playlist and performances, and conversations from around the world. Sponsored by the International Student office. Free soup lunchprovided by the Student Dietetics Society. (If you plan to bring a group for lunch, please send the number coming to For Information: Sheena Connell
- 1:30 - 2:45 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 in the Mabee Library Auditorium: "Genocide and Ways to Prevent It" There is a perception that genocide is an inevitable result of racial and ethnic tensions within a community. Members of the San Antonio Coalition Against Genocide will discuss genocide as aplanned activity that is preventable, including illustrating the steps that lead up to genocide. All will be invited to be a part of the next San Antonio Walk Against Genocide in 2016, Currently the Institute of Texan Cultures has a recommended exhibit "Faces of Survival: For information: Susan Smylie
- 3 - 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 in the Mabee Library Auditorium: "The Refugee Crisis in Europe: Impact on Human Rights, Security and Stability" shared by former ambassador Dr. James Creagan and Dr. Lopita Nath. For Information:
- 4:30 - 5:45 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 in the Music Building, Room 121: "Food Justice in the Era of Climate Change" shared by Dr. Jeff Crane, author of The Environment inAmerican History, Nature and the Formation of the United States: For Information:
- 6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 29 in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room: "Annual Peace Research Symposium" organized by Dr. Noah Kasraie. Including this presentation and others: "Educational Achievement of Students in Rural China" Dr. Shishu Zhang and Dr. Greg Soukup will present on the impact that economic factors have on educational attainment in rural China and to provide recommendations for policy changes that will help lower dropout rates and improve the quality of education for children in rural China. For Information: Phone(210) 829-3133.
Where Rivers Meet Symposium Concert
The UIW Department of Music presents the Where Rivers Meet Symposium Concert from 7:30 - 9 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 29 in the UIW Music Building Concert Hall. This concert is hosted by composers Alliance of San Antonio. There are other events throughout the community and at UIW as a part of this project. For a full list and description of events, please visit this webpage. For more info, contact the UIW Department of Music at (210) 829-3855 or
Day of the Dead Altar and Observance
Following the mass at 8 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 1, the Modern Languages Department will serve pan de muertos, the traditional "bread of the dead" and Campus Ministry will provide hot chocolate just outside Our Lady's Chapel. All are welcome. The students in Dr. Sally Said's intermediate Spanish class construct an altar, or ofrenda, in the chapel foyer each year. They invite you to add a picture or other small remembrance in honor of someone who has died. Please write your name and contact information on any article you leave so it can be returned to you. The altar will remain in place from Oct. 22 to Nov. 4. For more info, contact Dr. Sally Said at
Where Rivers Meet: Sumida River, Song of the Yanaguana River and Curlew River
UIW Department of Music presents: Where Rivers Meet: Sumida River, Song of the Yanaguana River and Curlew River from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 5 in the UIW Music Building Concert Hall. For tickets and info, visit this site. There are other events throughout the community and at UIW as a part of this project. For a full list and description of events, please visit this webpage. For more info, contact the UIW Department of Music at (210) 829-3855 or
Department News
Legacy Student Sustainability Scholars
The Ettling Center for Civic Leadership in coordination with the Office of Sustainability and UIW's Student Government Association is looking for applicants for the 2015-2016 Legacy Sustainability Scholars. The purpose of the Legacy Sustainability Scholars is to maintain, support, promote and bring awareness to UIW and the San Antonio community of the balance of human development and growth with the welfare of the natural world, both in the present and for the future. Selected applicants will be required to conduct a total of 50 hours of sustainable service per semester, which will include the maintenance of the UIW Campus Gardens. Please contact Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez at (210) 283-6423 or to obtain an application (deadline has been extended to Friday, Oct. 23) or should you have additional questions.
Healthcare Response to Human Trafficking
Healthcare providers are often the first to encounter trafficking victims. In becoming familiar with the signs and symptoms of trafficking, medical professionals collaborate in our community-wide effort to eradicate this unthinkable crime targeted towards the invisible and vulnerable in our midst. This event, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 at the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room, is co-sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word that have taken a corporate stance against human trafficking. CNE and CEU Credit available. Please register at this link. For more info, click here.
Pei Hsun (Ivan) Chin Dissertation Defense
Pei Hsun (Ivan) Chin will host a public defense of his dissertation at 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 in the Administration Building, Room 142. The event is free and open to the public. The tile of his dissertation is "The Effect of Asian Students' Culture on Perceptions of Blended Learning Instructional Design." Mr. Chin's dissertation supervisor is Dr. Norman St. Clair. For more info, contact Duncan Hayse at (210) 829-2758 or
Fall 2015 Welcome Back our UIW Military Family
The Center for Veterans Affairs welcomes back our UIW Military Family: active duty, veterans and military family member students. Stop by between 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 in the Admissions Presentation Room 22 (Office of Admissions, Ground Floor of the Administration Building, Suite 101) for pizza and sodas. Meet new friends and speak with current students about campus life, majors, how to survive finals, etc. Staff and faculty veterans are welcome, too! Contact the Center for Veterans Affairs with any questions, (210) 832-2154 or
The Mabee Library Presents: Films and Conversations about Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
All programs will be held in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room.
- 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 21 - Film about Sexual Assault: Searching for Angela Shelton - Filmmaker Angela Shelton searches across the country for other women with her name - and finds 70% of them have been victims of rape, incest or domestic violence. Speaker: Jennifer Tristan, Director of Education Training, San Antonio Rape Crisis Center
- 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 - Film about Rape: It was Rape - Eight women of different ages, backgrounds and ethnicities tell their personal stories of sexual assault. Speaker: Jennifer Tristan, Director of Education Training, San Antonio Rape Crisis Center
For more information, contact Polly McCord at
Zeke Mora Dissertation Defense
The public is invited to attend Zeke Mora's public defense of dissertation to be held at 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 22 in the Nursing Building, Room 222. Zeke's dissertation is titled "Perspectives of Ten Hispanic Men Who Overcame the Odds to Become Senior Leaders." His dissertation chair is Dr. Audra Skukauskaite. For more info, contact Duncan Hayse at (210) 829-2758 or
Academic and Career Institute
The Graduate Support Center's Graduate Institutes allows you to attend four workshops in one day. The Graduate Institutes include a focus on Graduate Writing, Academic Papers,and Academic and Career Success. This session is from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24 in the Nursing Building, Room 214. Registration is required. To register and for more info, contact Jessica Mesa at (210) 832-5628 or
Camerata Recital
The UIW Department of Music presents violinist Anastasia Storer and pianist Vivienne Spy for a beautiful performance of Brahms, Bartok, Biber and Gade from 3 - 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 25 in the UIW Music Building Concert Hall. To order tickets call 210-492-9519 or visit: For more info, contact the UIW Department of Music at (210) 829-3855 or
Athletics News
Cardinal Spotlight
- Cross Country Sweeps Weekly Awards
- Kyselova, Makieieva Lead Women's Swimming
- Buhler Goes Low, Cardinals Finish Third
UIW Soccer Season
The UIW Athletics Department invites the community to enjoy men and women's soccer. Games for October are listed below.
Men's Soccer for the Week:
Oct. 18: Men's Soccer at UNLV, 3 p.m.
Oct. 22: Men's Soccer vs. Houston Baptist, Benson Stadium, 7 p.m.
Women's Soccer for the Week:
Oct. 16: Women's Soccer at McNeese State, 7 p.m.
Oct. 18: Women's Soccer at Lamar, 1 p.m.
Oct. 23: Women's Soccer vs. Sam Houston State, Benson Stadium, 7 p.m.
UIW Football Season
The UIW Athletics Department invites the community to enjoy the football season. Games for October are listed below.
Football for the Week:
Oct. 24: Football vs. Abilene Christian, Benson Stadium, 2 p.m.
For info, please contact Athletics at (210) 805-3000.
Community News
UIW Highlight
UIW International Student and Scholar Services celebrated the closing Hispanic Heritage Month event, La Celebracion, with a fun photo booth in the new Cardinals Courtyard on Wednesday, Oct. 14. Pictured above (left to right) are Sheena Connell, assistant director of International Student and Scholar Services, Priyangana Risal, immigration advisor, and Amy DeStefano, international admissions counselor.
UIW hosted a Light the Way Display Board Contest on Saturday, Oct. 10 in the Ancira Parking Garage. Pictured above are this year's judges (left to right): Miguel Cortinas, chair of the art department, Rev. Dr. Trevor Alexander, assistant director of campus ministry, Mike Hood, director of print services and graphic design, and Alanna Taylor, study abroad coordinator. The winners were:
- First Place: Asian Culture Club
- Second Place: UIW Cardinal Chorale
- Third Place: Cardinals for Kids
- People's Choice Award: Asian Culture Club
- Best Interpretation of 'O Tanenbaum': UIW Music Therapy Student Association
- Most Mission Friendly Design: UIW Mission and Ministry
Windows 10 currently not supported at UIW
Microsoft has recently released a free upgrade to Windows 10 to users via a Windows update. Until testing has been completed, Technology Support Services strongly recommends that faculty and staff do not upgrade to the latest version of Windows as it may result in issues accessing UIW services. TSS will be testing all UIW services with Windows 10 and will notify faculty and staff when complete. If you have any questions, please contact our help desk at (210) 829-2721.
October Monthly Maintenance
Information Resources Division (IRD) will be conducting the scheduled October monthly maintenance from 6:30 - 10:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 16.
The following production change items will be included in the maintenance window:
- Banner INB Student 8.8.2 Upgrade
- BDM 2 TB Storage Increase
- National Student Clearinghouse SHA-2 Security Certificate Update
- Infrastructure DNS Upgrade (Tentative)
During the maintenance window the following systems will not be available:
- Banner INB/SSB
- Banner Document Management
- BOSSCars
- myWord (Banner Links within the portal will not be available)
- Intellecheck
- Argos
- FormFusion
- Automic
- Focus
- Recruiter
If you have any questions, contact Joanna Arredondo at (210) 283-6489 or
Water Outage Notice
A water outage will affect the following buildingsfrom 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.,Saturday, Oct. 17:
- AT&T Science Center
- Bonilla Science Hall
- Fine Arts Complex
- Mabee Library
The university must repair a leaking water pipe in front of the Coates Theatre. Please note that the outage is an estimated time. If you have any questions, please contact (210) 829-6038.
Cup Runneth Over
TRiO Student Support Services will once again work with women and families in transition by collecting and assembling cup care packages."Cup Runneth Over" is a way in which the faculty, administrators and staff can give something back to those experiencing difficulties in their lives. Collection of items run until 5 p.m., Monday, Nov. 16. Please consider donating the following items in good condition:
- Mugs
- Hotel toiletries
- Toothbrushes and small toothpastes
- Individually wrapped tea bags or packets of hot chocolate
- Any other small item that would be appropriate and helpful
Items can be delivered to the TRiO Lab in the Administration Building, Room 225. For more info or assistance with item collection, please contact TRiO Student Support Services at (210) 805-5812.
Extended Academic Studies
Last week, EAP had the ribbon-cutting event for the newest learning center in Killeen/Ft. Hood, Texas. Dean Vince Porter, Dr. Cyndi Porter and Center Director Fernando Rodriguezramos cut the ribbon surrounding by attendees. The attendees included members of the Killeen/Ft. Hood Chamber of Commerce businesses as well as leadership from the Ft. Hood Education Services.
For Your Students
Prep for Internship Fair
Career Services is helping students prepare for internships at a special fair from 12 - 1 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 in the Mabee Library Auditorium. For more info, contact Darlene Moczygemba at (210) 829-3931 or
Scholarship Search Workshop
This workshop presented by ALPHA First Generation Student Success from 3 - 4 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 21 in the Mabee Library, Room 230 will help students learn about strategies and resources for finding scholarships. For more info, contact Dr. Tanja Stampfl at (210) 829-3885 or
UIW Internship Fair
Career Services is hosting a student internship fair from 2 - 4 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 22 on Dubuis Lawn. If there is inclement weather, the event will move to the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. For more info, contact Darlene Moczygemba at (210) 829-3931 or
Study and Test-Taking Workshop
This ALPHA workshop from 12 - 1 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 4 in the Administration Building, Room 155 will help students learn about effective studying tips and test-taking strategies. For more info, contact Dr. Tanja Stampfl at (210) 829-3885 or
Employee Health and Wellness
Employee Wellness Lunch and Learn: Spirituality
The Employee Wellness Committee is hosting a Lunch and Learn event at 12 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 21 in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room. Beth Villarreal, director of campus ministry, will present a lecture on spirituality. RSVP by email to For more info, contact Kristi Galloway at (210) 805-5873 or
High Schools
Incarnate Word High School Open House
Incarnate Word High School will hold their open house from 2 - 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 18. This is a great opportunity for prospective families to tour the campus, meet the faculty and coaching staff and learn about the academic and athletic opportunities awaiting future Shamrocks. RSVP to the IWHS Enrollment office at or (210) 829-3123.
Mobile Digital Mammogram Clinic at Incarnate Word High School
Christus Santa Rosa's Mobile Digital Mammogram Clinic will be at Incarnate Word High School from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20. To schedule your appointment with the clinic, contact (210) 704-4100. To schedule online, click here.
St. Anthony Catholic High School Blood Drive
SACHS will be hosting a Blood Drive from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28 in the SACHS library. Faculty and staff will be given priority. Please contact Jessica De La Rosa at (210) 805-3091 or to sign up for a time in advance.
St. Anthony Catholic High School Open House
SACHS Open Houses are a great way to learn about the school and its academic programs. All prospective students and their families are invited to attend this in-depth look into the school from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 8. Tours, teacher demonstrations and meetings with our faculty are a part of the experience. There is no RSVP needed nor is an appointment necessary. Guidance in the admission and financial aid processes will be offered to those ready to make the commitment to attend St. Anthony Catholic High School. If you are unable to attend the Open House event, we encourage you to contact us at (210) 832-5632 or to schedule a personal visit to our school at your convenience.
St. Anthony Catholic High School Events
Visit St. Anthony Catholic High School at
Visit Incarnate Word High School at
Visit the UIW Prep website at
Our sympathy and prayers go to:
- The Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur on the recent loss of Sr. Bernice Knapek, SSMN (Pastoral Studies Certificate).
- The family of Dr. Irene McCrystal (BA '51) on her recent death.
- Suvani Rami and family on the recent loss of her husband, Narasimha Rao Pemmaraju (UIW Former Faculty).
- Nancy (BS '74, MEd '92) and Peter (UIW HVAC Superintendent) Reininger and family on the recent loss of her mother, Dora Lee Stovall.
- Daryl Walker and family on the recent loss of his wife, Opal Irene Jennings Walker (BS '71).
- Paulette and Dwight Icard and family on the recent loss of her sister, Rebecca Lillian Wittliff (BS '74).
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit