The Word E-News Archive

The Rosenberg School of Optometry (RSO) had its very own Angel Tree. They teamed up with SAMMinistries to ensure families in need each received a "Welcome Basket." All the items donated help to fill the baskets. Pictured above (left to right) are Teresa Velasquez, clinical appointment representative, Cesar Hernandez, access services library assistant, Diana Balderas, executive coordinator, Melissa Carreon, clinical appointment representative, Luis Macias, ophthalmic support tech, Libby Macias, student support services coordinator, and Sr. Walter Maher, CCVI, vice president for mission and ministry.
University Mission and Ministry (UMM) is sponsoring an Angel Tree for our community members who need assistance this Christmas. The tree is in the foyer by Our Lady's Chapel and will be displayed through Sunday, Dec. 11. UMM invites you to consider sponsoring a child or family. Please bring items in a holiday bag with the original Angel tag to UMM any time before Wednesday, Dec. 14. For info, contact UMM at (210) 829-3128.
Our Lady's Chapel Services
All are welcome.
- Noon Mass, Monday - Friday
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer at 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. at (210) 829-3131 or
Advent Salvation History Story: Isaiah's Vision
A Savior is sent to us. Excerpt from The Stories of the Old Testament: A Catholic's Guide by Jim Campbell (Loyola Press, 2007). Posted with permission of Loyola Press. Visit for more resources to nurture your faith.
Noon Mass Cancelled: Friday, Dec. 9 and Monday, Dec. 12
The regular daily mass scheduled at 12 p.m. in Our Lady's Chapel has been cancelled for the following days: Friday, Dec. 9 and Monday, Dec. 12. For info, contact (210) 829-3128 or
Mass and Retirement Reception for Dr. Agnese
The UIW community is invited to join former UIW President Dr. Louis J. Agnese Jr. and his family at a Mass and retirement reception honoring his 31-year legacy as president. The Mass will be celebrated in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word (Motherhouse Chapel) at 11 a.m., Monday, Dec. 12. A reception will follow Mass from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Heritage Center, located next to the Chapel of the Incarnate Word. Refreshments, including finger foods, will be served at the reception. Individuals planning to attend are encouraged to RSVP at Limited parking will be available near UIW's main entrance. Walking and carpooling are encouraged.
Fall Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement
UIW's Baccalaureate Mass will be held at 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9, in the McDermott Convocation Center. Fall Commencement will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10, in the Joe and Harry Freeman Coliseum (3201 E. Houston St., 78219). Tickets are not required for admission to the Mass, however, tickets are required for admission to commencement. For info, contact the Office of the Registrar at (210)-829-6006 or
Vegas Night
The community is invited to UIW Athletic's Las Vegas Night from 7 - 11 p.m., Friday, Dec. 16, in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. You must be 21+ to attend. Entry fee of $50 provides dinner, drinks and $1,000 in gaming tokens. Door prizes and casino prizes will be distributed at the end of the event. For info, email Mark Papich at
Holiday Treasures Art and Craft Sale 2016
The UIW Department of Art is hosting an Art and Craft Sale from 6 - 10 p.m., Friday, Dec. 16, and from 12 - 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 17, in the Kelso Art Center. Complimentary refreshments will be served on Friday. Get your last minute unique gifts and support the local arts at the same time. For info, contact Roland Sul at (210) 829-3852 or
Department News
TRiO Student Support Services would like to thank the UIW community for their support of its annual Cup Runneth Over collection drive. TRiO donated 377 care packages and more than 100 pounds of personal items and food to SAMMinistries Thursday, Dec. 1. Wynette Keller, TRiO project director, Alejandra De Hoyos, TRiO program counselor, and Dalia Bishop-Counts, TRiO program leader, are pictured with TRiO students who assembled the final cup-care-packages with holiday greeting cards in service to San Antonio area families experiencing homelessness.
Athletics News
UIW Basketball Schedule for December in the McDermott Convocation Center:
Dec. 10: Men's Basketball vs. Texas A&M International, McDermott Convocation Center, 7 p.m.
Dec. 20: Women's Basketball vs. Alexandria, McDermott Convocation Center, 11:30 a.m.
Dec. 28: Women's Basketball vs. Texas A&M - Kingsville, McDermott Convocation Center, 5:30 p.m.
For ticket info, contact (210) 829-3000.
Community News
On Tuesday, Dec. 6, the Office of Admissions hosted a Counselor Holiday Showcase and invited guidance counselors, advisors and educators to campus to hear about UIW's updates. They also presented six professionals with awards to show appreciation for their work in the profession and commitment to student success. Pictured above (left to right) are 2016 Making a Difference Award Recipient Irma Moran, guidance counselor at Lanier High School and UIW alumna, 2016 Cardinal Impact Award Recipient Michael Mercer, senior instructor of communication arts, 2016 Cardinal Impact Award Recipient Earl Harmsen, associate professor of management, 2016 Making a Difference Award Recipient Francisco Saucedo, advisor at Northwest Vista College, and 2016 Making a Difference Award Recipient April Garza, guidance counselor at Incarnate Word High School.
2017 Fiesta® Medals Available
Pictured above are the two Fiesta® medals on sale for 2017. On the left is the 2017 Cutting Edge Fiesta® Fashion Show Medal is available for $8 in the Juren Sullivan Center for Fashion Management on the second floor of the Joyce Building. On the right is the first official UIW Fiesta® Medal available for $8 in the Administration Building, Room 55. These medals make great stocking stuffers. Get yours before they run out. For info on the UIW Fiesta® Medal, contact Paul Ayala at (210) 829-6034 or For info on the 2017 Cutting Edge Fiesta® Fashion Show Medal, contact Leslie Kuhn at (210) 829-3141 or
UIW Dining Posts Winter Hours
UIW Dining has posted their winter hours of operation. For more info, contact (210) 832-2149.
UPDATED REHEARSAL DATES - Call for Sometimes Singers and Players
UIW's Sometime Singers and Players, a group made up of faculty, staff, administrators and students (vocalists and instrumentalists), serve when possible at liturgical prayer throughout the school year. Please RSVP by Friday, Dec. 9, to participate in the Christmas Eve Mass. For questions or to RSVP, contact Lena Gokelman at (210) 723-7741 or
Christmas Eve Mass, 5:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 24, in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word (Pre-Service program begins at 5 p.m.)
Please plan to attend at least three of four rehearsals and the final rehearsal from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word:
- Wednesday, Dec. 14 (new date)
- Thursday, Dec. 15
- Tuesday, Dec. 20
- Wednesday, Dec. 21
- Friday, Dec. 23 - FINAL rehearsal
IRD December 2016 Maintenance
Information Resources Division will be conducting the scheduled December 2016 maintenance on the following dates:
- Dec. 11 - 12: Recruiter 3.9 Upgrade,
- Dec. 14: BBTS Upgrade,
- Dec. 16: LookingGlass v7.9 Upgrade.
Please note that Banner will be available. For more info, visit this link. Contact Joanna Arredondo at (210) 283-6489 or for info.
Employee Wellness
Dr. Raul Zendejas, associate dean of enrollment and student engagement, spoke to UIW employees about setting and achieving goals at an Employee Wellness Lunch and Learn at 12 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 7, in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room.
AED/CPR Training
Employee Wellness is hosting AED/CPR training from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. daily from Tuesday, Dec. 13, through Thursday, Dec. 15 in the Barshop Natatorium, Classroom 1. This course is taught using the American Heart Association's Heartsaver AED and CPR curriculum. Please sign up at this link. For info, contact Employee Wellness at (210) 805-5873 or
Brainpower Connection
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Incarnate Word High School is hosting the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe from 8:15 - 10 a.m., Monday, Dec. 12, in Mt. Erin Circle in front of the IWHS campus. There will be a prayer service and an unveiling of a new monument in Mt. Erin Circle. Contact (210) 829-3108 or for info.
Visit St. Anthony Catholic High School at
Visit Incarnate Word High School at
Visit UIW Prep at
Visit St. Anthony Catholic School at
Visit St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School at
Alternative Giving Program
Women's Global Connection continues to offer its Alternative Giving Program this holiday season through Dec. 25. Honor a loved one by sponsoring an animal grant for a woman in Tanzania to receive a pig or goats for her small agricultural business, sponsor preschool children and programs in Tanzania, Zambia and Peru and so much more. Review all options here. Call (210) 828-2224 or email
Third Friday Birding
Come take a leisurely walk through the Headwaters Sanctuary with one of our birding specialists from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m., Friday, Dec. 16. Please wear close-toed shoes, long pants, and bring water. Binoculars will be available. Each walk is limited to 12 people. Duration: 1 ½ - 2 hours. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
Our thoughts and prayers go to:
- The family of Sara Elizabeth Dyer (BA '50) on her recent death.
- Mary Gierth and family on the recent loss of her husband, Edmund Roy Gierth (UIW formerAdjunct Faculty).
- Dr. William R.Harris and family on the recent loss of his wife, Brenda J. Harris (BS '64).
- The family of Col.Luciana Jarma, USA (ret.) (BSN '67) on her recent death.
- Mary Jo Burgess, Patricia Cheatham and Jacqueline Zang on the recent loss of their mother, Mary Margaret LaCroix (ALND '49).
- John B. Martin III and family on the recent loss of his mother, Jennifer Cunningham Martin (BS '72).
- The family, friends and the entire UIW community on the recent loss of Dr.Richard J. "Dick"McCracken (Dean of Alumni Emeritus; Doctor of Humane Letters '05, UIW Friend).
- The family of Florence Jamail Nakfoor (BA '50) on her recent death.
- Charles, Wendel and Andrew Thuss and their families on the recent loss of their mother, Emily Denman Thuss (Former UIW Bd. of Trustees).
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit