The Word E-News Archive

University Mission & Ministry held its 8th Annual Alternative Spring Break this week. UIW students and employees volunteered their time to help the underserved in our community. Pictured above is Fr. James Adame, associate chaplain, painting a house on San Antonio's west side.
Our Lady's Chapel Services
Noon Mass Cancelled
Due to Alternative Spring Break, there will be no Mass at 12 p.m. today. For info, contact Brenda Dimas at (210) 829-3128 or
All are welcome. We will return to our regular schedule beginning on Monday, March 20.
- Noon Mass, Monday - Friday
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. & 8 p.m.
- Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer at 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. at (210) 829-3131 or
Lenten Scripture Reflection
Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Mt 5:23-24
Special Invitation for Prayer
During the season of Lent, the UIW Community has been invited to participate in the Liturgy of Hours, an ancient tradition of praying throughout the day, at For Username enter; For Password enter: praynow (Please do NOT check any boxes on this site).
UIW Acting President Dr. Denise Doyle invited the community to the final Informal Conversation Series with Catholic University Presidents, Friday, March 10. Pictured above (left to right) is guest speaker Dr. Michael Galligan-Stierle, president of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU), and Dr. Denise Doyle.
Women's Month at UIW
For the exhibits and an extensive listing of programs for Women's Month at UIW, see For more info, contact the co-chairs Dr. Adrienne Ambrose at and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk at
Lincoln Center Bon Voyage Concert
The Cardinal Chorale has been invited to perform in New York's Lincoln Center. They will present a 30-minute concert of their Lincoln Center music beginning at 12 p.m., Friday, March 17, in the Concert Hall. All are invited to come hear the Cardinal Chorale, and support them as they prepare to leave for New York. For info, contact William Gokelman at (210) 829-3848 or
Learning to 'Feel Right': Harriet Beecher Stowe's Apocalyptic Plan to End Slavery and Save the World
Dr. LuElla D'Amico, assistant professor of English and vice president of the Harriet Beecher Stowe Society, will present her research on one of the most well-known abolitionists and social reformers in America at 12 p.m., Monday, March 20, in the Admin. Bldg., Room 242. For info, contact Dr. Adrienne Ambrose at (210) 283-6344 or
Fourth Annual Chili Cook-Off
The Student Dietetic Association is hosting their annual Chili Cook-Off from 5 - 8 p.m., Tuesday, March 21, on Dubuis Lawn. Admission is $10 and benefits the San Antonio Food Bank. Categories will include best mild, best medium, best spicy, best vegetarian and most creative. Register here to enter the contest, and your entrance fee will be waived. For info, contact Taylor McClelland at (210) 832-6354 or
UIW Festival of Colors
Celebrate Holi with the UIW Festival of Colors on Dubuis Lawn Wednesday, March 22. Enjoy food, games, live music and dance performances from Latin and South America, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia and more. Fair, food and performances start at 11 a.m. The color throwing starts at 3:30 p.m. Free T-shirts for color throwing participants. For info, contact Sheena Connell at (210) 805-5705 or
‘Near-Sighted Nature: Up-Close and Personal with Flora and Fauna' Opening Reception
The Rosenberg School of Optometry (RSO) welcomes you to this opening reception from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., Friday, March 24, at the RSO (9725 Datapoint Dr., 78229) in Room 301. Dixie Lee is an award-winning nature photographer who resides in San Antonio. Her photographs are printed on metal; she will have matted works and greeting cards with her photography for sale. For info, contact Dr. Dede Rios at (210) 930-8688 or
The Legacy of Dorothy Day
Women's Leadership in Social Justice Movements hosts this event from 6 - 8 p.m., Tuesday, March 28, in the Gorman Building, Room 119. Don't Call Me a Saint will be shown followed by a panel including Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, Patti Radle of Inner City Development and Anthony Franks of Catholic Worker House. They will highlight how Dorothy Day's mission to serve marginalized people is currently lived in San Antonio. For info, contact Dr. Sharon Herbers at (210) 805-3073 or
Department News
Honors Symposium
The Honors Program is pleased to invite the UIW community to its annual Honors Symposium at 8:30 a.m., Saturday, March 25, in the ICC Auditorium. Honors students representing a variety of majors will present the results of their independent projects with both podium and poster presentations. Honors alumnus Alfred Mejia ('15 BFA, art) will be the featured speaker. Contact for a symposium program.
The UIW Solar House and Sustainable Living
Visit the UIW Solar House, a prestigious LEEDS certified model of energy-efficiency, at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 4. Learn from Daniel Potter, project manager, about sustainable building and how UIW engineering students under the leadership of Dr. Alison Whittemore built this center for Green education and practice. You may also visit at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, or 12 p.m., Wednesday, April 12. For info, contact Sr. Martha Ann Kirk at See additional events for Earth Month here.
Top Stories
- Cardinals Begin Conference Play with Extra Inning Victory
- Myrka Boyd Advances to NCAA Fencing Championships
- Cardiac Cards Do it Again, Beat ACU 5-4
- UIW Men's Golf Takes Third at Bradley Spring Break Invite
- Fencing Qualifies Two For NCAA Nationals
UIW Men and Women's Tennis Fan Appreciation Game
UIW Men and Women's Tennis will host a fan appreciation game Sunday, March 26, at the Mabry Tennis Center. Both teams take on Nicholls State. The women's game begins at 10 a.m., and the men's game begins at 2 p.m. Free hotdogs, chips, water, soft drinks and fruit will be available at 12 p.m. The event is free to attend; free t-shirts will be available while supplies last.
Student Athlete Advisory Council All-Sports Banquet
Tickets are on sale for the annual Student Athlete Advisory Council All-Sports Banquet, hosted by the UIW Cardinals Club at 6 p.m., Sunday, April 30, in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. The banquet will honor student-athletes for their academic and athletic success throughout the 2016-17 academic year. General admission is $40 and $15 for kids 6-12 years old while guests aged five and under are free. Tickets can be purchased here. Contact (210) 805-3012 or for info.
UIW Softball Schedule through March 25 at the UIW Softball Field:
March 24: Softball vs. McNeese, 4 p.m. & 6 p.m.
March 25: Softball vs. McNeese, 12 p.m.
UIW Baseball Schedule through March 31 at Sullivan Field:
March 17: Baseball vs. Central Arkansas, 6:30 p.m.
March 18: Baseball vs. Central Arkansas, 3 p.m.
March 19: Baseball vs. Central Arkansas, 1 p.m.
March 31: Baseball vs. Stephen F. Austin, 6:30 p.m.
UIW Tennis Schedule through March 26 at the Mabry Tennis Center:
March 17: Men's Tennis vs. Marquette, 1 p.m.
March 25: Women's Tennis vs. McNeese, 11 a.m.
March 26: Women's Tennis vs. Nicholls, 1 p.m.
March 26: Men's Tennis vs. Nicholls, 1 p.m.
For ticket info, contact (210) 805-3000 or visit this link.
Community News
University of the Incarnate Word and the Women's Global Connection, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, were two of four organizations selected to present at the Commission on the Status of Women conference in New York City on how creating leadership opportunities for women can combat inequality and gender gaps. Pictured above are Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, professor of religious studies, Sumeyra Tek, adjunct instructor of physics, Dr. Jessica Kimmel, professor emerita of education, and Dr. Lisa Uribe, executive director of the Women's Global Connection, with representatives from The Dialogue Institute of the Southwest Commission of Women for Humanity and The Battered Women and Children's Center.
The Puerto Rican Heritage Society Honors Dr. Amalia Mondriguez
Dr. Amalia Mondriguez, professor of Spanish, was presented with a CoquiSA Award by the Puerto Rican Heritage Society Saturday, March 4, in recognition of her work as a member of their organization and for her contributions to the community at-large. The CoquiSA Award celebrates the Puerto Rican Heritage Society's most accomplished women during Women's HistoryMonth. The award seeks to reward community work that extends beyond the professional performance of the honoree.
Ellucian On-Demand Subscription Library Now Available
Ellucian's On-Demand Subscription Library is an extensive resource for on-demand training to help you master the software that you need to perform your job duties. Information Resources Division strongly encourage you to work with your supervisor to schedule time to train on the Ellucian Banner modules and other products that you use to run your operations. For more info, visit this link.
Division of Extended Academic Studies
UIW Info Session for Adult Students
The UIW community is invited to an Extended Academic Programs Info Session at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, at the Rosenberg School of Optometry, Room 301 (9725 Datapoint Dr., 78229). This presentation will provide an overview of the School of Professional Studies, School of Applied Sciences, degrees offerings and program benefits. Door prizes and light refreshments provided. RSVP at (210) 757-0202 or Visit to learn more.
Faculty Focus
Technology Thursdays: Office 365
Instructional Technology hosts this session on Cloud Computing and Microsoft Office 365 from 6 - 7 p.m., Thursday, March 23, via Zoom. Bring your laptop or tablet, as you will be interacting with Office 365 and your OneDrive in real time. Register here: For info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 218-8795 or
Blackboard User's Group Meeting
Instructional Technology hosts this End of Semester Checklist session from 12 - 1 p.m., Friday, March 24, in the Admin. Bldg., Room 245, to explain how to get your class ready for next semester. You will learn how to archive your course, copy some or all your course materials over to the next semester's course, and download a copy of your Grade Center.Register here: For info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 218-8795 or
Where Does Math Touch Your World?
Join members of the mathematics faculty for two sessions in the Admin. Bldg., Room 212, for a discussion of the mathematical concepts and skills students need to succeed in your course. The first session is at 8 a.m., Wednesday, March 29, with breakfast and at 12 p.m., Thursday, March 30, with lunch. Register here. For info, contact Kathy Allwein at (210) 283-6359 or
Technology Thursdays: End of Semester Checklist
Instructional Technology hosts this session at 6 p.m., Thursday, April 6, in the AdministrationBuilding, Room 245 on the end of semester checklist to get your class ready for next semester. Register here: For info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 218-8795 or
Technology 4 Lunch: SoftChalk
Instructional Technology hosts this session on SoftChalk at 12 p.m., Friday, April 7, in the Administration Building, Room 245. Register here: For info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 218-8795 or
For Your Student
Know Your Rights - For International Students
The Office of International Affairs invites you to this discussion at 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 28, in the ICC Board Room 1. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Community Outreach, Career, and Civil Rights squads will present to our F-1 and J-1 students and discuss the protections international students and minorities have in the U.S. as members of our community. This discussion is open to international students, faculty and staff. For info, contact Sheena Connell at (210) 805-5705 or
Convergent Career Paths: Education and Health Care
The Dreeben School of Education hosts this panel discussion at 5:30 p.m., Monday, April 3, in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room. A panel of UIW alumni will share tips for graduates in education on how to find a job in health care fields and how those in health care may benefit from an adult education degree. For info, contact Dr. Sharon Herbers at (210) 805-3073 or
Life after F-1 & J-1 Status
The Office of International Affairs invites you to hear board certified immigration attorney Francisco Alvillar at 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 5, in the ICC AT&T Board Room. Alvillar will present on work visa, family based visa options and life after F-1 or J-1 status. Learn about H1B requirements, athlete, NAFTA, entrepreneur visas and much more. For info, contact Sheena Connell at (210) 805-5705 or
Brainpower Connection
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Join Incarnate Word High School Theatre as they present William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Lara Benavides, at 7 p.m. nightly April 6 - 8 in the McGowen Gym. Admission is $7. For info, contact Lara Benavides at (210) 829-3102 or
Visit St. Anthony Catholic High School at
Visit Incarnate Word High School at
Visit UIW Prep at
Visit St. Anthony Catholic School at
Visit St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School at
Third Friday Birding
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word invites you to take a leisurely walk through the Headwaters Sanctuary with a birding specialist from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 17. This is a great opportunity for beginning or intermediate birders to develop and improve their identification skills. Please wear close-toed shoes, long pants, and bring water. Binoculars will be available. Each walk is limited to 12.For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
A Guided Celtic Walk to Thin Places in The Headwaters
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word is hosting this quiet walk through the sanctuary from 9 - 11 a.m., Saturday, March 18. This walk enables one to see "thin places" of healing and mystery. The retreat leader is author Sylvia Maddox, M.T.S. The program is limited to 12. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
The Spirit Among the Great Oaks
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word hosts this walk through the sanctuary from 9 - 11 a.m., Saturday, March 25. Donald Ewers will be guiding participants on these walks. Each walk is limited to 12. Video or audio recording is not permitted during these walks. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
Women's Global Connection: Girls Global Summit
You are invited to a special free event for girls by girls from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Saturday, March 25, in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. Everyone is welcome. Lunch is included. Teams of school-age girls will lead in the half-day program and more than 200 girls from area middle and high schools, as well as universities, are expected to attend. For info, contact Tamarra Mencey at (210) 828-2224 or
Headwaters and the Brackenridge Era
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word hosts this educational walk through the sanctuary from 2 - 3:30 p.m., Sunday, March 26. Enjoy a walk around a portion of George Washington Brackenridge's former property and his favorite spots. Alex Scott Antram will lead the walks. Each program is limited to 12. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
Women's Global Connection: Tanzania Immersion Trip
Women's Global Connection invites the UIW community to participate in this year's Tanzania immersion trip July 12 - 25. This is an opportunity to see women's empowerment projects up close and to serve as a volunteer with a small groupon capacity building training for women of all ages or teachers. For info, contact WGC at(210) 828-2224 or and let us know of your interest by the end of March.
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word presents The Nature of Cities and Gimme Green
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word is screening two films, The Nature of Cities and Gimme Green, starting at 3:30 p.m., Monday, April 3, in the CHRISTUS Heritage Hall at The Village at Incarnate Word. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word presents Walking with Aldo Leopold
Explore the Headwaters Sanctuary through a walk focused on the social and ecological legacy of scientist and philosopher Aldo Leopold from 9 - 10:30 a.m., Friday, April 7, at the Headwaters Sanctuary. Environmental anthropologist and Executive Director of the Headwaters at Incarnate Word Alex Scott Antram will lead the walk. The program is limited to 12. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
EcoExchangeEdu's Third Annual Showcase and Green Jobs Fair
The Earth Month Committee invites you to EcoExchangeEdu's Third Annual Showcase and Green Jobs Fair at 2 p.m., Friday, April 7, at the Sinkin Eco Centro at San Antonio College (1819 N. Main Ave., 78212). South Texas educators will share sustainability related coursework, research, and co-curricular efforts.This event is co-sponsored by the Sustainability Committee. For info, contact Dr. Kevin Salfen at See additional events for Earth Month here
A Walk with John Muir into the Wild of the Headwaters
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word hosts this walk through the sanctuary at 9 a.m., Saturday, April 8. John Muir was a botanist, naturalist, geologist and leader in establishing the national parks and the founder of the Sierra Club. Retreat leader, author and John Muir enthusiast, Sylvia Maddox, M.T.S., will conduct the walk. The program is limited to 12 people. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
San Antonio Museum Exhibitions
University employees receive free admission to the McNay Art Museum and the San Antonio Museum of Art with their valid UIW ID. Additional fees may apply to exhibitions. For info, contact (210) 829-6019.
- Carlos Merida: Selections from the Permanent Collection, through March 19 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
- Julian Onderdonk and the Texas Landscape, through April 23 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
- Rashid Johnson: The New Black Yoga and Samuel in Space, through May 7 at the McNay Art Museum
- Klee at the McNay, through May 7 at the McNay Art Museum
- Sur Papier: Works on Paper by Renior, Chagil, and Other French Moderns, through May 21 at the McNay Art Museum
- Monet to Matisse: A Century of French Moderns, through June 4 at the McNay Art Museum
- LP to MP3: The Original Cast Recording, through June 18 at the McNay Art Museum
- Broadway: 100 Years of Musical Theatre, through June 18 at the McNay Art Museum
- Leigh Ann Lester: A Variety of Forms Recovering from Transubstantiated Clarity, through July 30 at the McNay Art Museum
- The Magic of Clay and Fire: Japanese Contemporary Ceramics, through Fall 2017 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
Our thoughts and prayersgo to:
- Paul Marcus Deadrick (BA '01, MA '05) & family on the recent loss of his sister,Joy Louise Deadrick(MA '11).
- Sally Mitchell, OSF (MA '95) & family on the recent loss of her brother,Jack Mitchell.
- Jane Cheever Powell (IWHS '51, UIW Friend) & family on the recent loss of her husband,Thomas Levin Powell, Jr.
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit