The Word E-News Archive

The community was invited to the Sr. Dorothy Ettling Future Female Leader Scholarship Ceremony Friday, March 31, at the Rosenberg School of Optometry. Pictured above (left to right) are Dr. Narges Kasraie, assistant professor of optometry, Dr. Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, associate provost for civic engagement, scholarship recipient Diana Ho, UIW student, Dr. Kathi Light, provost, and Sr. Walter Maher, CCVI, vice president for mission and ministry.
Our Lady's Chapel Services
All are welcome.
- Noon Mass, Monday - Friday
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. & 8 p.m.
- Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer at 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. at (210) 829-3131 or
Lenten Scripture Reflection
"Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD, for He has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked!" Jer. 20:13
Special Invitation for Prayer
During the season of Lent, the UIW Community has been invited to participate in the Liturgy of Hours, an ancient tradition of praying throughout the day, at For Username enter; For Password enter: praynow (Please do NOT check any boxes on this site).
UIW Health and Wellness Fair
UIW Health and Wellness Fair will be held from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, in the Wellness Center. Over 30 vendors will be on site to promote health and administer basic biometric screening. There will be music and door prizes. The event is sponsored by UIW Sports and Wellness Center, UIW Health Services, STARS, the Employee Wellness Committee and Human Resources. For info, contact Erin Galloway at (210) 805-5873 or
Corporate Cup Registration Open
Be part of Team UIW at Corporate Cup Saturday, June 3, here at UIW. Registration is now open. Each UIW employee who participates will receive a free T-shirt. Register here by Tuesday, April 11, to ensure your free shirt.
2017 Sr. Margaret Patrice Slattery Lecture
The English Department invites the community to the 2017 Sr. Margaret Patrice Slattery Lecture, "Motherlands Explored: Gender and Place in Literature," at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room. Dr. Tanja Stampfl will share some of her ongoing research on the connection between gender, politics, and community in world literature. A reception will follow the lecture and discussion. For info, contact Dr. Tanja Stampfl at (210) 829-3885 or
UIW Theatre Department presents 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche
The UIW Theatre Department invites you to this satirical take on the 1950s insistence on conformity. This production is not suitable for those under the age of 14. Ticket prices are $12 for adults, $9 for seniors, $8 for non-UIW students, $7 for groups of 10 or more, and free for current UIW students, faculty and staff with their valid UIW ID. Below are the show times in the Cheever Theatre:
- 7 p.m., Thursday, April 13
- 8 p.m., Friday, April 14
- 8 p.m., Saturday, April 15
- 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 19
- 7 p.m., Thursday, April 20
- 8 p.m., Saturday, April 22
For info, contact Chrissie Young at (210) 829-3810 or
7th Annual Alumni Easter Egg Hunt
UIW Alumni & Parent Relations is hosting its 7th Annual Easter Egg Hunt from 9 - 11:30 a.m., Saturday, April 15, at the McCracken House. The hunt will begin promptly at 11 a.m. We are planning for 1,000 Easter eggs, activity tables and the Easter bunny. The event is free and open to UIW alumni and their families only. For questions, contact (210) 805-3595 or If you would like to donate non-chocolate candy for the Easter Egg Hunt, please bring it to the Alumni & Parent Relations Office in McCracken House by Friday, April 7.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events
- 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 18, Seddon Recital Hall: The Mask You Live In: A Documentary about Masculinity in America Today; For info, contact Dr. LuElla D'Amico at
- 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Thursday, April 20, Dubuis Lawn: I Pledge Event at VIVA UIW
- 4 - 7 p.m., Monday, April 24, Mabee Library Auditorium: The Invisible War Screening with Panel Discussion; For info, contact Dr. Zenon Culverhouse at
- Wednesday, April 26: Denim Day. For info, please see
For info about all the Sexual Assault Awareness Month events, contact Title IX and Compliance Coordinator Caitlin McCamish at
The 2017 Cutting Edge Fiesta Fashion Show
The 2017 Cutting Edge Fiesta Fashion Show is Wednesday, April 19, in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. The reception begins at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. Eight designer collections will be featured plus the introduction of the A'GACI Product Development Challenge with designs by our first graduating class of students majoring in Product Development. For info, contact Leslie Kuhn at (210) 829-6013 or or visit
The UIW Student Center hosts Viva UIW from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Thursday, April 20, on Dubuis Lawn. Celebrate the kick-off of Fiesta and enjoy folklorico dancers, free food (nachos, agua fresca, and a fruit bar) T-shirts, VIVA UIW medals, music and more. For info, contact Jorge Compean at (210) 805-3037 or
UIW Earth Day Observance Ceremony
The UIW Earth Month Committee is hosting an Earth Day Observance ceremony at 12 p.m., Thursday, April 20, in the AT&T Circle near the Wellness Center. The committee is also presenting the William Mulcahy Award for Ecological Stewardship. For info, contact Dr. Sally Said at
Recycling Education with the Department of Solid Waste Management
The community is invited to two opportunities to hear guest speaker LaMar Hicks discuss the proper disposal and recycling of materials among other topics on recycling and conservation. The first lecture is at 1:30 p.m., Thursday, April 20, in the Bonilla Science Hall, Rm. 120, and the second lecture is at 12 p.m., Wednesday, April 26, in the Bonilla Science Hall, Rm. 118. For info, contact Dr. Luz Thomann at See additional events for Earth Month
First Annual Lecture on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
The College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences welcomes you to the inaugural lecture on Catholic intellectual tradition at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 20, in the Seddon Recital Hall. Professor Michael Krom of St. Vincent College will present "Thinking on Drinking from Greek to Catholic Culture." For info, contact Dr. Chris Edelman at (210) 832-2184 or
SKYWARN® Training
The Earth Month Committee hosts this Basic and Advanced Spotter Training session from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Saturday, April 22, in the Bonilla Science Hall, Room 129. You will learn basics of thunderstorm development, fundamentals of storm structure, identifying potential severe weather features, information to report, how to report information, and basic severe weather safety. For info, visit this link. To see all of the Earth Month events, visit
Second Annual Ring Ceremony - Volunteers Needed
The Department of Alumni & Parent Relations is hosting the Annual Ring Ceremony at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 23, in the McDermott Convocation Center. This event is for all classified juniors and seniors to receive their class ring. There are 190 students participating and over 1,000 guests registered. Alumni & Parent Relations needs your help. They need volunteers to help run registration and be procession leaders. The volunteer shift will be from 12 - 3:30 p.m. A volunteer meeting will be held from 10 - 11 a.m., Friday, April 21, in the McCracken House conference room. Please contact Gaby Gonzales-Alvarado at (210) 805-5899 or for info.
UIW Wind Ensemble Concert
The UIW Wind Ensemble presents their final concert of Spring 2017 under the conduction of Dr. Brett Richardson at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 23, in the Concert Hall. Dr. Brett Richardson conducts the ensemble. This concert is free and open to the public. For info, contact Dr. Brett Richardson at (210) 841-7232 or
Department News
Ph.D. candidate Elizabeth Holbrook presented a defense of her dissertation Tuesday, April 4. She is pictured above with her dissertation chair Dr. Arthur Hernandez, professor of education. Holbrook's dissertation is titled, "Exploring the Education Experiences of Students of Mexican Descent with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Status."
The UIW Business Club hosted a Leadership Presentation Tuesday, April 4, with guest speaker Sherry Loftus of Damsel in Defense. Pictured above (left to right) are Dr. Teresa Harrison, assistant professor of management, Sherry Loftus, and Lawson Picasso, UIW student and president of the UIW Business Club.
Three Minute Thesis Competition Registration Extended
The Office of Research and Graduate Studies presents The Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). The 3MT is an academic competition at UIW that challenges doctoral and master's students to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience. The deadline to register has been extended to Friday, April 7. Audience members will participate in the judging and are asked to RSVP at the 3MT website. To register, RSVP, and for info, visit
UIW Libraries LibQUAL+® Survey
UIW Libraries LibQUAL+® Survey will be conducted through April 21. All full-time and part-time university faculty and students will receive a link to this short survey via an email sent to their university account. The survey is a standardized web-based instrument measures users' expectations and perceptions of library services, library as a place and as a provider of information resources. The UIW Libraries have used the results to improve services and access to resources. There is an opportunity for participant to win $150 or $75 Visa Gift Cards. For info, contact (210) 829-2119 or
Office of Institutional Research DASH Trainings
The Office of Institutional Research has a DASH training opportunity at 10 a.m., Tuesday, April 11, in the Mabee Library, Room 230. This session is open to individuals who are interested in accessing DASH. The session will cover navigation, functionalities of the system as well as show a report of two as examples of the kinds of information found in DASH. Sign up at this link. For info, contact Erika Pompa at (210) 832-2169 or
The UIW Solar House and Sustainable Living
Visit the UIW Solar House, which received the prestigious LEEDS certification and is a model of energy-efficiency, at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, or 12 p.m., Wednesday, April 12. Learn from Daniel Potter about sustainable building and how UIW engineering students under the leadership of Dr. Alison Whittemore built this center for Green education and practice. For info, contact Sr. Martha Ann Kirk at See additional events for Earth Month here.
UIW Honors Convocations
Below is the list of honors convocation ceremonies and celebrations for UIW. The contact persons for each event would be the respective school Dean's Office.
College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences:
- Philosophy, Seniors & Honorees Dinner, Thursday, April 13 (Time/Location TBD)
- English, 6 - 8 p.m., Thursday, April 20, Mabee Library Special Collections Room
- Art, 6 - 8 p.m., Friday, April 21, Semmes Gallery
- Religious Studies, 4 - 5 p.m., Monday, April 24, Mabee Library Special Collections Room
- History & Phi Alpha Theta Induction Ceremony, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 27, Mabee Library Special Collections Room
- Modern Languages, 6 - 8 p.m., Wednesday, May 3, Mabee Library Special Collections Room
- Music, 1:30 p.m., Thursday, May 4, Concert Hall
- Theatre, Friday, May 5, Coates Theatre (Time TBD)
Dreeben School of Education:
- Honors Convocation, 5:30 - 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, Concert Hall
H-E-B School of Business & Administration:
- Honors Convocation, 12:30 - 4 p.m., Sunday, April 9, McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room
Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing & Health Professions:
- Honors Convocation, 4 - 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 18, Nursing Building Foyer
School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering:
- Honors Convocation, Thursday, April 27, McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room (Time TBD)
School of Physical Therapy:
- Awards Ceremony, Wednesday, April 26, Saidoff Center (Time TBD)
Athletics News
Student Athlete Advisory Council All-Sports Banquet
Tickets are on sale for the annual Student Athlete Advisory Council All-Sports Banquet, hosted by the UIW Cardinals Club at 6 p.m., Sunday, April 30, in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. The banquet will honor student-athletes for their academic and athletic success throughout the 2016-17 academic year. General admission is $40 and $15 for kids 6-12 years old while guests aged five and under are free. Tickets can be purchased here. Contact (210) 805-3012 or for info.
Top Stories
- Dabin Cleary Leads UIW Women's Golf in California
- Valencia's Gem Pushes Cardinals Past UTEP
- Cardinals Win Slugfest Over Texas Southern 17-9
- Cardinals Earn Second Conference Victory, 5-2 Over Southeastern Louisiana
- Another School Record as Track Concludes at Texas Relays
- Cardinals Notch Win Number 700 in Program History
UIW Softball Schedule through April 15 at the UIW Softball Field:
April 12: Softball vs. Prairie View A&M, 1 p.m. & 3 p.m.
April 14: Softball vs. Abilene Christian, 4 p.m. 6 p.m.
April 15: Softball vs. Abilene Christian, 12 p.m.
UIW Tennis Schedule through April 9 at the Mabry Tennis Center:
April 8: Women's Tennis vs. Stephen F. Austin, 12 p.m.
April 9: Women's Tennis vs. Northwestern, 11 a.m.
For ticket info, contact (210) 805-3000 or visit this link.
Community News
UIW Trustee Emerita Passes Away
Betty Stieren Kelso, UIW trustee emerita passed away suddenly on March 30, 2017. Betty, along with her husband Lt. Col. Robert (Bob) E. Kelso (Ret.) have been longtime friends and supporters of the university. The couple received honorary doctorates from UIW in 2012 and made the single, largest donation toward the Fine Arts Complex in renovation of the art building, now the Kelso Art Center. Betty served two terms as a member of the board of trustees and served on the Institutional Advancement and Education Committees at UIW. Betty's mother, Elizabeth Huth Coates, was a graduate of Incarnate Word High School and Incarnate Word College and a lifelong patron of Incarnate Word. The Coates theater is named in her honor. Memorial services for Betty were held earlier this week. Please keep the Kelso family in your thoughts and prayers. To view the obituary, visit this link.
Sr. Rita Prendergast, CCVI, read selected poems from her book, Gleanings: Fragments of Life Experiences, in celebration of National Poetry Monty on Tuesday, April 4. Pictured above with UIW students are Dr. LuElla D'Amico, assistant professor of English, and Sr. Rita Prendergast, CCVI.
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the UIW Title IX hosted an "I Pledge" event at the Rosenberg School of Optometry Wednesday, April 5. The community was invited to sign a large poster displaying a pledge based on the It's On Us pledge. Pictured above is Captain Jacob Colunga by the pledge poster. The next opportunity to sign the pledge will be at the Tuesday, April 11, at the School of Osteopathic Medicine.
UIW Tartan Discount
Collegiate Tartan Apparel is offering a special 25 percent discount on purchases of $50 or more. Visit the store front here, and enter the code "25%Special" to receive your discount. (Note: no spaces and only the "S" is capitalized.) For more info, contact Dr. Melinda Adams at (210) 805-1204 or
Division of Extended Academic Studies
Vice President Dr. Cyndi Porter and Dean Vince Porter congratulate Tina Flores at the opening of the City of San Antonio and Bexar County UpGrade program. As part of the public private educational initiative EAP is proud of our Cardinal alumna. Tina spoke about the importance for adults to complete a degree. She holds both an undergraduate degree and MBA from EAP.
Employee Wellness
Employee Wellness Lunch & Learn
The Employee Wellness Committee hosts the April lunch and learn at 12 p.m., Wednesday, April 19, in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room. Health Texas will be presenting. Lunch is provided. Please RSVP to
Faculty Focus
Technology 4 Lunch: SoftChalk
Instructional Technology hosts this session on SoftChalk at 12 p.m., Friday, April 7, in the Administration Building, Room 245. Register here: For info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 218-8795 or
Health and Safety in Faculty-Led Programs
International Affairs hosts this presentation for all faculty who will be or would like to lead a faculty-led program in the future. The presentation is at 3:30 p.m., Monday, April 10, in the Mabee Library Auditorium and will include an overview of health and safety policies and procedures. For info, contact Alanna Taylor at (210) 805-5709 or
For Your Student
EcoExchangeEdu's Third Annual Showcase and Green Jobs Fair
The Earth Month Committee invites you to EcoExchangeEdu's Third Annual Showcase and Green Jobs Fair at 2 p.m., Friday, April 7, at the Sinkin Eco Centro at San Antonio College (1819 N. Main Ave., 78212). South Texas educators will share sustainability related coursework, research, and co-curricular efforts. This event is co-sponsored by the Sustainability Committee. For info, contact Dr. Kevin Salfen at See additional events for Earth Month here.
Brainpower Connection
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Join Incarnate Word High School Theatre as they present William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Lara Benavides, at 7 p.m. nightly through April 8 in the McGowen Gym. Admission is $7. For info, contact Lara Benavides at (210) 829-3102 or
Visit St. Anthony Catholic High School at
Visit Incarnate Word High School at
Visit UIW Prep at
Visit St. Anthony Catholic School at
Visit St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School at
GoFundMe Campaign for Chimbote, Peru
The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in Peru are struggling in Chimbote because of the worst rain and flooding in 20 years. The Sisters report that all roads in and out of Chimbote are cut off because of widespread flooding and damage to bridges and streets. The town only has intermittent electricity. Communication is compromised with no newspapers being printed. Food and water now are in short supply, with costs for staples tripling in Chimbote because of the problems. Please consider supporting them with your donations through the GoFundMe page and with your prayers
Women's Global Connection: Tanzania Immersion Trip
Women's Global Connection invites the UIW community to participate in this year's Tanzania immersion trip July 12 - 25. This is an opportunity to see women's empowerment projects up close and to serve as a volunteer with a small group on capacity building training for women of all ages or teachers. For info, contact WGC at (210) 828-2224 or and let us know of your interest by the end of March.
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word presents Walking with Aldo Leopold
Explore the Headwaters Sanctuary through a walk focused on the social and ecological legacy of scientist and philosopher Aldo Leopold from 9 - 10:30 a.m., Friday, April 7, at the Headwaters Sanctuary. Environmental anthropologist and Executive Director of the Headwaters at Incarnate Word Alex Scott Antram will lead the walk. The program is limited to 12. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
A Walk with John Muir into the Wild of the Headwaters
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word hosts this walk through the sanctuary at 9 a.m., Saturday, April 8. John Muir was a botanist, naturalist, geologist and leader in establishing the national parks and the founder of the Sierra Club. Retreat leader, author and John Muir enthusiast, Sylvia Maddox, M.T.S., will conduct the walk. The program is limited to 12 people. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
Third Friday Birding
Come take a leisurely walk through the Headwaters Sanctuary with one of our birding specialists at 8:30 a.m., Friday, April 21. Anyone fascinated by the sights and sounds of birds is welcome. This is a great opportunity for beginning or intermediate birders to develop and improve their identification skills. Please wear close-toed shoes, long pants, and bring water. Binoculars will be available. Each walk is limited to 12. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
The Spirit Among the Abundant Springs
The Headwaters at Incarnate Word invites you to this walk through the sanctuary from 9 - 11 a.m., Friday, April 28. This series of walks is a time to reflect on and restore our connection to the ancient heritage of the Headwaters Sanctuary. Video or audio recording is not permitted during these walks. Donald Ewers will guide participants. Each walk is limited to 12 people. For info, contact Pamela Ball at (210) 828-2224 or
San Antonio Museum Exhibitions
University employees receive free admission to the McNay Art Museum and the San Antonio Museum of Art with their valid UIW ID. Additional fees may apply to exhibitions. For info, contact (210) 829-6019.
- Julian Onderdonk and the Texas Landscape, through April 23 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
- Rashid Johnson: The New Black Yoga and Samuel in Space, through May 7 at the McNay Art Museum
- Klee at the McNay, through May 7 at the McNay Art Museum
- Sur Papier: Works on Paper by Renior, Chagil, and Other French Moderns, through May 21 at the McNay Art Museum
- Monet to Matisse: A Century of French Moderns, through June 4 at the McNay Art Museum
- LP to MP3: The Original Cast Recording, through June 18 at the McNay Art Museum
- Broadway: 100 Years of Musical Theatre, through June 18 at the McNay Art Museum
- Leigh Ann Lester: A Variety of Forms Recovering from Transubstantiated Clarity, through July 30 at the McNay Art Museum
- The Magic of Clay and Fire: Japanese Contemporary Ceramics, through Fall 2017 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
Our thoughts and prayers go to:
- Luis Alvarado, Jr. & family on the recent loss of his mother, Eva Saenz Alvarado (Santa Rosa School of Nursing '46).
- Janet Johnson & family on the recent loss of her mother, Latrell Smith Johnson (MEd '86).
- Lt. Col. Robert E. Kelso (ret.), Ph.D (Hon. '12) & family on the recent loss of his wife, Betty Stieren Kelso, Ph.D (Emeriti Board of Trustees, Hon. '12).
- Daniel Lee Pugh (BBA '05) & family on the recent loss of his father, Dudley Lee Pugh (ALND).
- Dr. Tomas Ramos (Former UIW Employee, Ph.D '10) and Theresa Ruzicka Ramos (Former UIW Employee, BBA '02) & family on the recent loss of her father, Lawrence John Ruzicka.
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit