The Word E-News Archive
Photo of the Week
The UIW Community commemorated Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14 with Mass and prayers services in Our Lady's Chapel as well as at the UIW Professional Schools and the high schools. Pictured above is Fr. James Adame, UIW associate chaplain.
Our Lady’s Chapel Services
All are welcome.
- Noon Mass, Monday – Friday
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. at (210) 829-3131 or
Lenten Reflection: God’s call to all, “Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’* I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” Matthew 9: 13
University Mission & Ministry - Pray-a-thon
Pray-a-thon is a multi-day event that engages people of different faith cultures, reminding us that we are all children of God. Pray-a-thon is taking place February 18 – 23 and will begin with a mass on Sunday, Feb. 18 at 10:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Our Lady’s Chapel. For information on all the Pray-a-thon events visit the UIW event calendar.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me....whatever you did for one of the least brothers/sisters of mine, you did for me" (Mt 25:31-36, 40). On behalf of all those who are without food, we invite members of the UIW community to consider donating a can food --knowing that this gift is a gift to Word made flesh. As always, thank you for your generosity and act of love. For more information contact the Mission & Ministry Office at (210) 832-5316.
Campus Visit Day
Prospective students who might not otherwise be able to visit the campus on a weekday during regular business hours are invited for a General Overview Information Session on Saturday, Feb. 17 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Students will also be able to meet admissions, financial aid, and residence life personnel, meet current students, tour the campus, tour residence halls and get all their college questions answered. Spread the word! For more information, please contact Eric Martinez at (210) 805-3557 or
Religious Studies: Pierre Lecture
Dr. Carmen M. Nanko-Fernandez will present the 2018 Pierre Lecture"¿Dios Bendiga América? Béisbol, Identity, and Competing Theologies of Patriotism," from 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 27 in the SEC Ballroom. Dr. Nanko-Fernandez is the professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry and Director of the Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For more information, contact Dr. Horacio Vela at or 9210) 829-3803.
UIW Cardinal Singers
The UIW Cardinal Singers (chamber choir) will present a concert as part of the Chapel of the Incarnate Word Concert Series on Sunday, March 4 from 3 to 4 p.m. Musical selections will cover a broad range of styles, languages, and cultures, from rhythmic and fun to heartfelt and beautiful. All are welcome. For more information, contact Bill Gokelman at or (210) 829-3848.
Black History Month Events
2018 San Antonio Tricentennial Higher Education Events
Community News
- KABB – Protect your personal data & information
- San Antonio Express News: UIW nursing students screening children for lead
Black History Month: Did You Know?
Did You Know? In 1872, Charlotte E. Ray became the first female African-American lawyer in the United States. She's also one of the first women to be admitted to the D.C. bar. Charlotte E. Ray is the first woman to be granted permission to argue cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in the capital.
On Tuesday, Feb. 13 UIW celebrated the 15th Annual Red Dress Fashion Show and Health Fair in the SEC Ballroom. Guests were treated to healthy living information, demonstrations and tips provided by students from UIW’s professional programs and a fabulous fashion show. This annual events supports the American Heart Association and their Go Red campaign during National Heart Month in February. Pictured L-R are Dr. Sharon Welkey, Mrs. Lisa Evans and co-chairs Teri Lopez and Dr. Lourdes Fortepiani.
Bereavement – McPherson
Ben McPherson, senior instructor in the Biology Department, is mourning the loss of his wife Marie who passed away after a long illness. Her funeral will take place at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 20, in the Church of the Good Shepherd, 3201 Windsor Rd, Austin, TX 78703. Mrs. McPherson was also an alumnus of the University having earned an M.Ed. from Incarnate Word College in 1986. Please keep the McPherson family in your prayers.
Adriana Leal, director of the Center for Veteran’s Affairs is mourning the loss of her grandmother, Raquel Zoeller, 81, who passed away Saturday, Feb. 10 in Laredo, Texas. Please keep Adriana and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Mrs. Zoeller’s obituary can be viewed by clicking here.
Bereavement – Logan
Robin Logan, Director of Institutional Research, is morning the loss of her father, David Arthur Logan. Robin’s dad (84 years) passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by family on Jan.31 in Minden, LA. Services were held in Minden, Saturday, Feb. 3. In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital at Robin’s dad had a special place in his heart for St. Jude’s. To view Mr. Logan’s obituary click here. Please keep Robin and her family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
An Announcement from Liza Bazley, VP for Information Resources
After 27 years of service, Dr. Cheryl Anderson, has decided to retire effective July 31, 2018. In 1991, she started her career at UIW as Director of Instructional Technology. In 2003, Dr. Anderson became the founding academic dean of the School of Media and Design. Five years later, she was asked to assume the role of Dean of Library Services and for some time during that transition, she served in both positions. A consummate team player, Dr. Anderson was even briefly serving as Interim VP prior to my arrival at UIW in 2015. Although Cheryl has expressed some regret for leaving at this time, she is looking forward to traveling and spending time with her new grandson. Her dedication and contributions to UIW are appreciated. She will be sorely missed. Dr. Sharon Welkey has agreed to chair a search process for a replacement which will begin this month.
UIW Bookstore - Bookstore Inventory
The Bookstore will be closed all day, Saturday February 24 for inventory.
We will reopen at 8 a.m., Monday, Feb. 26 Please plan accordingly.
Ink, English Club: Great Works Bite-sized Book Club
Come learn about and discuss Gabriel García Marquez’s short story, There Are No Thieves in This Town. Dr. Tanja Stampfl will lead this “book club” discussion. Snacks will be provided! This meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in AD 155. For more information, please contact Benjamin Miele at (210) 805-2536 or
Book Club - Dynamic Lecturing: Research-Based Strategies to Enhance Learning Effectiveness by Christine Harrington and Todd Zakrajsek In discussing lecture as a teaching method, Zakrajsek recently commented, "If bad teaching were considered a crime, I think we’ve arrested the wrong suspect." The authors, arguing that lecture can be a useful tool, describe the situations where lecture is effective and other activities that complement it. Join the discussion! This book club will take place on Mondays (Feb. 19, Feb. 26, and March 5) at noon in Gorman Building Rm. 120. To register, click here.
The UIW community celebrated Asian New Year on Monday, Feb. 12, in the SEC Ballroom. Guests enjoyed traditional Asian cuisine and live performances. The event was hosted by the International Affairs Division.

The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences hosted a retirement reception for Estella Zamora on Thursday, Feb. 15 in McCreless Heritage.Pictured top row L-R are Chrissie Young, CHASS secretary and Box Office Manager and Theresa Carson, bottom row are Veronica Castillo, secretary to the Comptroller and Estella Zamora. Thank you Estella for your eight years of service to the university.
The 2018 UIW Fiesta Medal is now available! Get yours today in the Cardinal Shoppe or in the Campus Engagement Office. Both are located in the Student Engagement Center. Medals are only $10. Supplies are limited.
San Antonio Museum Exhibitions

University employees receive free admission to the McNay Art Museum and the San Antonio Museum of Art with their valid UIW ID. Additional fees may apply to exhibitions. For info, contact (210) 829-6019.
San Antonio Museum of Art Current Exhibitions:
The Magic of Clay and Fire: Japanese Contemporary Ceramics Through Spring 2018
McNay Art Museum Current Exhibitions:
Captain Seth Eastman’s Journey with a Sketchbook: Down the Mississippi - Through April 1, 2018
100 Years of Printmaking in San Antonio: Mary Bonner - Through April 1, 2018
Faculty Focus
2018 Presidential Teaching Award Nominations
The Office of the Provost is accepting nominations for the 2018 Presidential Teaching Award now through Feb. 28. This annual award acknowledges a full-time faculty member who exemplifies excellence in teaching, leading to student engagement. Current students, alumni and colleagues are encouraged to submit the online form with rationale stating why the nominee is deserving of the award. Former recipients include Dr. Roger Barnes, William Gokelman, Dr. Neeta Singh, Dr. Bill Carleton, Theresa Tiggeman, Dr. Paul Lewis, Dr. Lydia Andrade, Dr. Jessica Kimmel, Dr. Doug Gilmour, Dr. Brian McBurnett, Dr. Scott Dittloff, Dr. Laura Muñoz and Dr. Helmut Gottlieb. For full details and nomination form, visit
UIW Career Services: Resume Reviews and Mock Interviews – Volunteers Needed
UIW faculty and staff are invited to assist with one-on-one resume reviews and mock interviews on Feb. 26 and 28. If you wish to help the office of UIW Career Services, please register for a time slot here. For more information, please contact UIW Career Services at (210) 829-3931 or
Ettling Center for Civic Leadership: Faculty Service Learning Showcase
The Faculty Service Learning Showcase Showcase, being held Monday, Feb. 19 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the SEC Ballroom, and 6:30 p.m. in the Mabee Library Auditorium, features faculty projects on best practices, theories, scholarship, and examples of service learning at UIW, in keeping with our mission to educate “concerned and enlightened citizens within the global community.” The Showcase opens UIW Research Week, “A History of Mission Driven Scholarship.” See the schedule and descriptions of presentation here. For more information, please contact Sr. Martha Ann Kirk at (210) 883-5934 or
Lessons from Academically Adrift
In their 2011 book, sociologists Richard Arum and Josipa Roska argue that many students emerge from college with a degree but limited learning, especially in the areas of problem-solving and critical thinking. However, they accompany this disturbing claim with some practical suggestions for faculty. Join colleagues for a brief presentation on Academically Adrift and a discussion of ways to help students increase their focus on learning. Door prize: What the Best College Teachers Do, Facilitator: Roger Barnes (sociology), Wed 2-21 (4:15, snacks and drinks) and Mon 2-26 (noon, lunch) in Admin 212
Borrowing Video Resources from the Kahn Academy
Short, on-line videos are common ingredients in college classes, but constantly making them from scratch can become time-consuming. The Kahn Academy offers a variety of short videos that instructors can use to introduce concepts or provide extra review. Participants will view sample videos and discuss strategies for using such resources. Door prize: a wireless clicker. Presenters: Adrienne Ambrose (religious studies) and Bonnie McCormick (biology), Wed 2-21 (8:00, breakfast) and Thurs 2-22 (noon, lunch) in Admin 212
Faculty Family Night at the UIW Theatre, Feb. 24
Faculty Mentoring invites you to bring your family to the inspiring musical GODSPELL based on Matthew’s Gospel, Saturday, Feb. 24, (or to any other performance, Feb. 23 to March 3). It’s a hummable, hand-clapping, move-to-the-beat musical you won’t want to miss showcasing the talent of our colleagues Mark Stringham, Bill Gokelman, Campbell Reid Andrews, Christopher McCollum, and Justin Bennett. Information: Call (210) 829-3800 or (210) 829-3810
For Your Students
UIW-VITA has set aside special days for the preparation of 2017 tax returns for UIW faculty, staff, employees, and students. In order to better assist you, and to not occupy your time, this will be a special drop off day in which you can drop off your tax information and have your return completed while you are working. Live preparations will also be available for those who wish to wait. Those whose annual income is under $60,000 are eligible for this service. Below are the event’s dates and times.
For UIW students
Date: Friday, Feb. 16
Location: Gorman Building, Rm. 212
Time: Sign-in begins at 9:00 a.m. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Live preparations until 2 p.m.
For more information, please visit
Mock Interviews
The UIW Career Services Office will hold Mock Interviews for interested UIW students from 11 a.m., to 4 p.m., Wednesday, Feb 28 in the SEC room 2030. Student can practice their interviewing and networking skills and receive immediate feedback! To register for a time slot, students should visit:
Athletics News
Feb. 16: Baseball vs. North Dakota State - 2 p.m. (Sullivan Field)
Feb. 17: Baseball vs. North Dakota State (DH) - TBA (Sullivan Field)
Feb. 17: Women's Basketball vs. Stephen F. Austin - 1 p.m. (McDermott Center)
Feb. 17: Men's Basketball vs. Stephen F. Austin - 3 p.m. (McDermott Center)
Feb. 18: Baseball vs. North Dakota State - TBA (Sullivan Field)
Feb. 21: Men's Basketball vs. Northwestern State - 7 p.m. (McDermott Center)
Feb. 22: Baseball vs. Notre Dame - 7 p.m. (Woff Stadium)
Feb. 23: Women's Tennis vs. Air Force - 11 a.m. (Mabry Tennis Center)
Feb. 23: Baseball vs. Purdue - 4 p.m. (Wolff Stadium)
Feb. 24: Baseball vs. Saint Louis - 4 p.m. (Wolff Stadium)
Feb. 25: Baseball vs. TBA - 11 a.m. (Sullivan Field)
Feb. 28: Men's Basketball vs. HBU - 7 p.m. (McDermott Center)
Women's Global Connection - Couture For a Cause
All are invited to attend the 5th annual Roshnic Fashion Show benefiting Women’s Global Connection from 2 - 6 p.m., Sunday, March 4, in the UIW McCombs Center Rosenberg Skyroom. Tickets are $50. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Tamarra Mencey at (210) 828-222 or
Headwaters Third Friday Birding: An Introduction to Birding by Ear
Come take a leisurely walk through the Sanctuary with one of our birding specialists on Friday, Feb. 16. Learn how to start identifying birds by their calls and songs. What do sounds mean? Why is it important to understand bird behaviors to identify sounds? Join Tom and Patsy Inglet for an introduction to this birding skill. The walk is limited to 12. For more information, please call (210) 828-2224 x280.
Get ready for a Sunday afternoon walk with your four-legged friends in the Headwaters Sanctuary on Sunday, Feb. 18 from 1 – 3 p.m.! The San Antonio Humane Society will have adoptable adult dogs on the walk. You might meet a new member of the family! Pet Supplies Plus will be handing out pet waste containers while supplies last. Dogs must be leashed at all times. For more information, please call (210) 828-2224 x280. RSVP by emailing with your email address and phone number.
Our thoughts and prayers go to:
- Dr. Danielle Gunter (Faculty, Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions, MSN ’07) & family on the recent loss of her grandmother, Marjorie Jean Crump.
- James Leeton and Elizabeth Leeton Shipman & their families on the recent loss of their mother, Mary Eunice Lewis Leeton (ALND ’39).
- Robin Logan (Director of Institutional Research) & family on the recent loss of her father, David Arthur Logan.
- Luis Morquecho & family on the recent loss of his wife, Julie Morquecho (BA ’01).
- Adriana Leal (Director, Center for Veteran’s Affairs, MBA ’15) on the recent loss of her grandmother, Raquel Zoeller.
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit