Weather Message -

Due to inclement weather, all UIW campuses and schools will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Please stay tuned to your email and UIW social media pages for updates.

Faculty Achievement Recognition

UIW has several ways of recognizing the ongoing professional development and accomplishments of faculty. The following are examples of major awards given to faculty and featured each spring at a Faculty Appreciation Luncheon.

The Moody Professorship

This award was established in 1971 at UIW and Our Lady of the Lake University through a grant made to the two institutions by the Moody Foundation. Each year a faculty member is named Moody Professor from each institution. The awarding of the Moody Professorship reflects a high level of scholarship, teaching excellence, and community service attained by the recipient. This is the highest faculty honor bestowed by UIW. The Moody Professors must deliver two public lectures. At UIW, the Moody Professor also delivers the Graduation Address in December. The Moody Professor receives a stipend of $3000 and a faculty development award of $2000, which may be spent as they designate upon approval of the Provost.

Presidential Teaching Award

Each year faculty and students can nominate faculty for this award initiated by President Agnese to reward excellent teaching that leads to student engagement. A committee of past recipients and Piper Professors recommend finalists to the Provost who consults with the President who makes the final decision. A $5,000 stipend is given with this award. From the same pool of applicants, the Provost chooses for Legacy Teaching Awards three faculty who in their first five years of service at UIW demonstrate the degree of dedication to teaching and learning that joins them to the long legacy of teaching excellence that characterizes UIW. Each award is accompanied by a $500 stipend.

The Piper Professor Award Nominee

Each College/School selects one faculty based on excellent teaching and overall contribution to UIW and the profession. The Faculty Senate selects the UIW nominee who receives a $1,000 stipend and whose application is submitted to the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation for consideration as a finalist in the Texas competition.

The Robert J. Connelly Faculty Leadership Award

This award is given to a tenured faculty member with 15 or more years of faculty experience at UIW. The faculty member will have served as an exemplary leader of faculty as demonstrated by leadership service, mentoring, and peer counseling. A committee of past presidents of the Faculty Association/Senate review applications and make the final decision.

The Mission Continues Faculty Awards

This is a series of five annual awards which are named for Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word who represent the values identified in the Mission: Innovation, Truth, Education, Service, and Faith. The Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr Innovation Award is given to a faculty member who is open to thoughtful innovation which serves material and spiritual needs. The Sr. Eleanor Ann Young Truth Award is given to a faculty member who seeks truth in the classroom and in scholarship. The Sr. Margaret Rose Palmer Education Award is given to the faculty member who engages students in the learning process. The Mother Columkille Colbert Service Award is given to a faculty member who embraces a global perspective and emphasizes social justice. The Sr. St. Pierre Cinquin Faith Award is given to a faculty member who is committed to educational excellence in the context of faith and fosters the values of UIW.

CCVI Spirit Award

This award recognizes a member of the faculty, administration, or staff who has demonstrated in service to the University and/or to the broader civic community, the spirit of the founders, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. One award is given each year. Selection of the honoree is made by a committee of faculty, administrators, and persons chosen for the award in past years. In celebration of Incarnate Word Day, held annually in relation to March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, the honoree is presented with an attractive piece of sculpture signifying the award. At the end of the award-year, the sculpture is passed on to the next nominee. The University also donates $500 to some ministry of the Congregation in honor of the nominee who determines the beneficiary. The nominee's name is placed on a permanent plaque displayed in the Administration Building.