The Word E-News Archive
Unsung Hero of UIW

Meet our final Unsung Hero of Summer 2016: UIW Maintenance Worker at the School of Physical Therapy Armando Rey II. Born and raised in San Antonio, Armando has been working at UIW for five years. He worked at the Rosenberg School of Optometry campus prior to the opening of the School of Physical Therapy. His father is UIW Carpenter Armando Rey. Growing up, Armando watched his father work, and he saw the UIW campus expand from Incarnate Word College to the University of Incarnate Word. He learned to always give 110% in all the work he does both at work and personally.
Armando loves to spend time with his son as well as play video games. He collects vintage video game consoles and plays them to this day. Another hobby Armando enjoys is building custom electronics. One example is a mouse pad he built that lights up. He loves working at UIW and hopes the work that he does can only positively impact the success of each student that walks through the halls at the Saidoff Center.
If you see Armando on campus, be sure to stop by and say hello, and help us thank him for all he does for UIW.
This is the final Unsung Hero highlight for this summer. The newsletter schedule begins its regular distribution starting Monday, Aug. 22. Stay tuned next summer for more UIW Unsung Heroes. If you have a suggestion for a UIW Unsung Hero, email
Our Lady's Chapel Services
All are welcome.
- Noon Mass, Monday – Friday
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m.
- Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer at 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. (210) 829-3131 or
UIW Welcome Mass
The UIW Welcome Mass is a beautiful Mass welcoming all of our newest Cardinals to the UIW community. Two Masses will be made available on Sunday, Aug. 21. The first Mass will be at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word. The second Mass will be in the Administration Building in Our Lady's Chapel at 10:45 a.m. to accommodate the overflow of persons. Mass will be followed by a free barbecue on Dubuis Lawn to welcome all of our new students and their families. For more info, contact Brenda Dimas at (210) 829-3128 or
Mass of the Holy Spirit
Join the UIW community for the Mass of the Holy Spirit at 12 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 31, in Our Lady's Chapel. In keeping with a long tradition dating from the founding of the great European universities in the Middle Ages, UIW celebrates the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the start of each academic year. During the liturgy we ask for the inspiration, guidance, and presence of God's Spirit on all of our campus activities. This festive event gathers the entire university community together to rededicate ourselves to UIW's mission, to renew friendships, and to welcome new members. For more info, contact Fr. Tom Dymowski at (210) 829-3131 or or Brenda Dimas at (210) 829-3128 or
UIW Bookstore Clearance Event
The UIW Bookstore is holding a special clearance event through Saturday, Aug. 27. An additional 25% discount will be applied to all clearance merchandise. For more info, contact the UIW Bookstore at (210) 829-6056 or
UIW Student Engagement Center Beam Raising
Join us at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 23, in the circle in front of Dubuis Hall to celebrate reaching the highest point of construction of the Student Engagement Center. Guests are invited to sign the beam that will be raised in honor of this construction milestone. Please RSVP at this link. For info, contact the Office of Communications and Marketing at (210) 829-6001.
Photographic Projects: World War II Veterans & U.S. Marines Opening Reception
The UIW community is invited to the opening reception for D. Clarke Evans's photographic projects from 6 - 8 p.m., Friday, Aug. 26, in the Semmes Gallery in the Kelso Art Center. D. Clarke Evans retired as the Team Photographer for the San Antonio Spurs, after 25 years, to pursue the two projects:
- A Photographic Project: World War II Veterans
- A Photographic Project: Semper Fidelis
The exhibit will be on display from Aug. 26 - Sept. 30. For more on D. Clarke Evans, visit this link. For more info about the reception and the exhibit, contact Roland Sul at (210) 829-3852 or
Street Portraits Gallery Opening Reception
UIW student Zhifeng Han gives us a unique perspective through his street photography. The opening reception is from 6 – 8 p.m., Friday, Aug. 26, in the Student Gallery in the Kelso Art Center. The exhibit will be on display from Aug. 26 – Sept. 30. For more info about the reception and the exhibit, contact Roland Sul at (210) 829-3852 or
Department News
Special Event and Announcement Submissions
Please remember to submit your events to the Office of Communications and Marketing for inclusion in the Word Today and the Friday e-newsletter. Per university policy, we can only promote events submitted via the “Request for Event Promotion” form found at: The form must be submitted no less than five working days prior to the event. We will begin regular daily distribution of the Word Today and Friday e-Newsletter on Monday, Aug. 22. If you have any questions, contact our office at (210) 829-6001 or
On Tuesday, Aug. 16, the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) celebrated the retirement of Sr. Eilish Ryan, CCVI, Dr. Sally Said and Dr. Matthias Schubnell in the Seddon Recital Hall. Pictured above (left to right) are Sr. Eilish Ryan, CCVI, professor emerita of religious studies, Dr. Kevin Vichcales, associate provost and dean of CHASS, Dr. Sally Said, professor emerita of English, and Dr. Matthias Schubnell, professor emeritus of English.
Office of Research Development Hires New Special Projects Coordinator
Dr. Trinidad Macias is the new Sponsored Projects Coordinator in the Office of Research Development. Her responsibilities include managing UIW internal funding programs for faculty and students, developing and implementing research engagement activities, and providing assistance to faculty engaged in sponsored research.
Dr. Macias recently earned her Doctorate of Philosophy in Education with a concentration in International Education and Entrepreneurship from the University of the Incarnate Word. She received her Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from St. Edward's University and her Master of Arts in International Politics from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Macias is a Ronald E. McNair Scholar Alumni, a Sr. Dorothy Ettling Future Female Leader Scholarship recipient, a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society, and a member of the National Society for Leadership and Success. Her research interests include cultural competency, triple helix theory, and international student experiences. Dr. Macias can be reached at (210) 805-2539 or
Office of Research and Graduate Studies Hires New Graduate Support Specialist
Cigdem Meek is the new Graduate Student Support Specialist in the Graduate Support Center. In her role, Cigdem will design new marketing initiatives for the Office of Research and Graduate Studies and manage student information and services. She is a Ph.D. candidate in Education with a concentration in Organizational Leadership from the University of the Incarnate Word. Cigdem studied computer science, curriculum design, evaluation, and instructional technology in Turkey. She has eleven years of experience working in higher education. Her research interests include cultural competency, evaluation, leadership development, and blended learning. She can be reached at (210) 832-5628 or
Pictured above are Dr. Kathi Light, provost, Dr. Michael Frye, associate professor of engineering, and Dr. Sreerenjini Nair, assistant professor of physics, and various guests gathered to discuss collaborative research in the area of robotics and unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAV). The UIW Autonomous Vehicle Laboratory hosted a UAV technical Workshop on Monday, Aug. 15, and Tuesday, Aug. 16. The workshop and presentations included technical training for our UIW students, a planning session with UTSA, Trinity and Baylor to discuss collaborative research in the area of robotics and UAVs, and a meeting with the senior management team, including the CEO, from Quanser, their vendor.
New Graduate Student and Family Orientation
Join the UIW community for the New Graduate Student and Family Orientation from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20, in the Concert Hall. The orientation provides both the student and family a sense of belonging to the UIW community. The orientation has three tracks: the student track, the family track, and the Little Cardinal's track. The student track will cover information on support services and important academic policies. The family track is designed to illustrate the positive ways that family/friends can support their graduate student throughout the Master's program. The Little Cardinal's track features arts and crafts that tie into the overall theme of orientation. The orientation is closed with a special Kairos Card ceremony. For more info, contact Dr. David Ortiz at (210) 283-6454 or
Restricted Account Budget Manager General Meeting
The Grants Accounting Office will be hosting a General Meeting from 11:30 am – 1:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 25, in the Mabee Library Special Collections Room. This event is open to all Restricted Account Budget Managers of UIW. The meeting is to have an open forum to discuss any questions related to Restricted Account budgets and discuss updated policy and procedures. "Don't forget your lunch." For more info, contact Lucy San Roman at (210) 805-1223 or
Athletics News
UIW Football to Host Helmets and Heels Clinic
UIW head football coach Larry Kennan and his staff will host its inaugural Helmets and Heels football clinic for women from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 25, at the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. The Helmets and Heels Clinic gives women a chance to learn the fundamentals, strategies, tactics and language of football from the Cardinals coaching staff. The event will be conducted in a social atmosphere, that will include an all-star panel discussing sessions on offense and defense, a fashion show, and a Q & A segment. The social engagement for the evening will include:
- Hors d'oeuvres and adult beverages
- Welcome from UIW Coaching Staff
- Defense and offense sessions
- Referee's presentation
- Coach's wives panel
- Equipment demonstration
- Players fashion show
- Raffle and silent auction
- Post event player meet and greet
The cost to attend Helmets and Heels is $40 per person or a table of eight for $300. For more info, contact Mike Barela at (210) 805-3096 or
Cardinals Club Membership Open
Membership to the UIW Cardinals Club is now open. The application can be viewed at this link. By joining, you help UIW Athletics build upon a legacy of academic excellence through the investments in upgraded and new facilities, programs, scholarships and so much more. Your donation plays a critical role in the university's athletic program and allows us to build one of the premier programs in the Southland Conference. Together, Cardinals Club members provide invaluable support for all 500+ UIW student-athletes, and every gift has a positive impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom, in competition and in the community. For more info, contact Charles Wimett at
UIW Soccer Schedule for August:
Aug. 21: Men's Soccer vs. UT-Rio Grande Valley, Benson Stadium, 7 p.m.
Aug. 26: Women's Soccer vs. University of Houston, Benson Stadium, 5 p.m.
Aug. 26: Men's Soccer vs. Oral Roberts, Benson Stadium, 7:30 p.m.
For ticket info, contact (210) 829-3000.
Community News
UIW Mass Notification Test
UIW's Office of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management will conduct an indoor and outdoor test of the mass notification system between 9 – 11 a.m., Friday, Aug. 19, on UIW's main campus. Individuals in and around those buildings that have been interfaced with the outdoor mass notification system will hear the following test message: “Attention, attention, this is a test of the UIW Emergency Notification System. This is only a test.” Regular system tests are necessary to ensure full operability of campus warning systems.
The tests will last approximately 35 seconds, and NO evacuations will be necessary. During the test, please listen for intelligibility of messages and report any audio issues to
The Office of Human Resources hosted an Employee Ice Cream Social Friday, Aug. 5, in the Marian Hall at ICC dining hall. Employees were encouraged to come dressed in their best Hawaiian attire to win great door prizes and take part in fun, tropical-themed activities and games.
UIW full-time faculty were invited to the 2016 Full-Time Faculty Opening Luncheon in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room Thursday, Aug. 18, to gather and usher in a new academic year. Pictured above are Dr. John Perry, professor of communication studies and 2016-2017 Moody Professor, and Dr. Zazil Reyes García, assistant professor of communication studies.
UIW announces new sibling tuition discount program
UIW has announced a new tuition discount program to support families that have multiple dependent children at UIW from the same household.
Eligible families will receive a $5,000 discount for their second student enrolled at UIW and a $10,000 discount for a third or more sibling. In the case of twins or triplets, eligible amounts will be divided evenly. To be eligible for the program, all siblings must be enrolled as full-time, undergraduate, main campus students and must reside in the same household. Although the discounts are not need-based, students must be verified as dependents on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application each year.
Funds will be applied to tuition only. Students that receive other UIW scholarships, UIW grants or UIW discounts may combine the awards as long as the total does not exceed their full-time tuition. Students with UIW athletic scholarships or UIW dependent waivers do not qualify.
Siblings must apply to receive the discount and must submit a new application annually. The discount is only for the Fall and Spring semesters. For more info, visit
United Way “Days of Caring” 2016
UIW will once again put together a team of faculty and staff members to participate in the United Way's, “Days of Caring.” Our day to volunteer will be Friday, Sept. 30. Our project will not be determined until after Monday, Aug. 1, but it's always a wonderful opportunity to offer much needed help in our community. Past projects have included: The SA Food Bank, Botanical Gardens, St. PJ's, The Audubon Center, the San Antonio State Hospital, and other non-profits who have been most grateful for UIW's assistance.
If you would like to take part in this year's event or have questions, please e-mail Roslyn Grimes at The deadline for sign-up is Thursday, Aug. 25. Please help us build a great team and make a difference for our community.
Highest Heaven: Spanish and Portuguese Colonial Art Exhibit
The San Antonio Museum of Art is hosting an exhibit titled Highest Heaven: Spanish and Portuguese Colonial Art through Sept. 4, 2016. The exhibition features more than 100 works, including religious paintings, carved and gilded wooden sculptures, intimate ivories, and silverwork, originally housed in ecclesiastical and private collections throughout the former colonial possessions of Spain and Portugal. For more info on the exhibit, contact (210) 978-8100. REMEMBER: You receive FREE admission to the San Antonio Museum of Art with your valid UIW ID. Additional exhibition fees may apply.
UIW Dining Posts Fall 2016 Hours
UIW Dining has posted their official dining hours for Fall 2016, which begins Monday, Aug. 22. For more info, contact UIW Dining at (210) 832-2149.
For Your Student
Tech Assist Workshop
The department of Instructional Technology is hosting a Tech Assist Workshop at 12 p.m., Friday, Sept. 2, in the Mabee Library Auditorium. This is a student-centered event that will focus on how to effectively share information with your audience using PowerPoint. At the end of this half-hour session you will know the secrets to minimizing boredom and maximizing attention. In other words, you will learn how to stop your PowerPoint presentation from becoming PowerPointless. Register here: For more info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 829-3920 or
Faculty Focus
In the Face of Violence – Call for Proposals
Lead our students and encourage their leadership by organizing gatherings in September and in October. We are currently seeking proposals for Campaign Nonviolence Week at UIW, which is a part of our international efforts starting Sept. 18 and the annual UIW October Season of Peace and Justice with its call for presentations. Contact Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI, at for more info or if you have questions.
Blackboard Course Shell Training
In case you haven't noticed, UIW has adopted a new shell for the Blackboard course template. This shell will be used campus-wide. But there is no need to fear, The UIW Instructional Technology team is here to demonstrate the shell and show you how it will benefit both you and your students. Come and spend an hour with the IT team in the Administration Building, Room 212, and learn how the shell is designed to enhance student engagement and help faculty manage course content. Please contact Terry Peak at to register for one of the times below.
- Aug. 19 – 3 p.m.
- Aug. 22 – 3 p.m.
- Aug. 24 – 3 p.m. (Originally 12 p.m.)
- Aug. 26 – 9 a.m.
- Aug. 30 – 12 p.m.
- Sept. 1 – 9 a.m.
Blackboard Workshop Walk-Ins
Drop in any time during 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Administration Building, Room 212, on the scheduled dates below for personal assistance with your Blackboard site. Bring a copy of your course outline and/or documents you'd like to post. No need to sign up for this event.
- Tuesday, Aug. 23
- Wednesday, Aug. 24
For questions and/or further information, contact Terry Peak at (210) 829-3920
Blackboard User's Group Meeting
During the summer break, the Department of Instructional Technology trained its fourth class of Blackboard Gurus. Stop by from 12 – 1 p.m., Friday, Aug. 26, in the Mabee Library Auditorium and meet your school's guru at the Blackboard User's Group Meeting. Several will be on hand to demonstrate how they are using their newfound Blackboard skills in combination with the UIW course shell to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. Register here: For more info, contact Terry Peak at (210) 829-3920 or
Part-Time Faculty Workshop
The Provost, EAP and The Center for Teaching & Learning will host the Part-Time Faculty Workshop from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 27, in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room. Join us for breakfast, UIW updates, several presentations and meet representatives from a few UIW offices and services. Multiple door prizes will be given. Please contact Kathy Allwein, in The Center for Teaching & Learning for additional information and to RSVP. If you are Full-Time Faculty and are attending this event to represent your discipline, please let me know you are attending.
Brainpower Connection
St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School Extended UIW Discount
St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School announces a 20% tuition discount available to all UIW employees who registers one child for the 2016-2017 school year and is on the wait list for the Brainpower waiver of 50%. Please contact our registrar, Becky Pawelek, at (210) 824-3171 to schedule a visit. For more info, contact Yvette Mireles at (210) 307-5997.
St. Anthony Catholic School Extended UIW Discount
St. Anthony Catholic School announces a 20% tuition discount available to all UIW employees who registers one child for the 2016-2017 school year and is on the wait list for the Brainpower waiver of 50%. Please contact our registrar, Mary Martinez at (210) 732-8801 to schedule a visit. For more info, contact Christopher Escobedo at (210) 732-8801, ext. 303.
Visit St. Anthony Catholic High School at
Visit Incarnate Word High School at
Visit UIW Prep at
Visit St. Anthony Catholic School at
Visit St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School at
Our thoughts and prayers go to:
- The family of, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, and the entire Incarnate Word community on the recent loss of Sr. Ritamary Corso, CCVI (BA '74).
- Sr. Sheila Conlon, CCVI (BA '70) & family on the recent loss of her sister; the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and the entire Incarnate Word community on the recent loss of Sr. Brigid Conlon, CCVI (BS '63, MA '74, Pastoral Institute).
- Gloria & Bill Cortez (UIW Friends) & family on the recent loss of his sister, Angelica Cortez.
- Brian Coufal (UIW Friend) & family on the recent loss of his father, Joseph Jaroslav Coufal.
- Eva Maria Dykes & family on the recent loss of her husband, Gene M. Dykes (BBA '83).
- William Fowler & family on the recent loss of his wife, Dr. Ruth Jane Kelley Fowler (BA '71, MA '74).
- Luci (UIW Planned Giving Council) & John Harty & family on the recent loss of her mother, Lucy Agnes Franckowiak.
- Gladys Guido & family on the recent loss of her husband, Dr. Adolph Guido (UIW Friend).
- Mary Helen Igo Clark & family on the recent loss of John N. Igo, Jr. (Former Faculty & Extended Run Players).
- Mary Helen Burkhalter Mueller (IWHS '44, BA '48) & family on the recent loss of her husband; Nell Mueller Kothmann (IWHS '42, Santa Rosa School '46, BSN '48) & family on the recent loss of her brother, Dr. Edwin Lee Mueller (UIW Friend).
- Neva and David Sackett & family on the recent loss of his mother, Alice Eaton Sackett (BA '59).
- Cheryl & Larry Thomas & family on the recent loss of her mother, Mary Isabelle Rouse Sparks (ALND '48).
- William Spruce & family on the recent loss of his wife, Judith Ann Spruce (IWHS '59).
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit