The Word E-News Archive
Photo of the Week
The Fall 2017 UIW Learning Communities (LC) showcase was held Tuesday, Nov. 14 in the Special Collections Room. Participating students displayed their research and work through poster presentations. Pictured above is Dr. Trey Guinn and students from the Intro to Mass Communications Learning Community.
Our Lady's Chapel Services
All are welcome.
- Noon Mass, Monday - Friday.
- Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. in Our Lady's Chapel located in the Administration Building
- Sacrament of Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. Fridays or by appointment with Fr. Tom Dymowski, O.SS.T. at (210) 829-3131 or
University Mission and Ministry - Angel Tree
University Mission Ministry is once again sponsoring an Angel Tree for UIW community members in need of assistance this Christmas. We invite you to consider sponsoring a child or family of children for this holiday season. Groups may sponsor large families. The Angel Tree is located in the foyer leading to Our Lady's Chapel in the Administration Building. It will be displayed from Monday, Nov. 20 through Sunday, Dec. 10. Please bring items in a holiday bag with the original Angel tag to the University Mission & Ministry office (AD 147) any time before Friday, Dec. 15. Distribution of the gifts will take from Dec. 18- 20. For more information, please contact Brenda Dimas ( or (210) 829-3128.
Pictured L-R are Rev. Dr. Trevor Alexander, Sr. Walter Maher and Fr. James Adame at the International Food Festival held Wednesday, Nov. 15 in the SEC. This event was held in Celebration of International Education Week which ends today, Friday, Nov. 17. For a schedule of Friday events, click UIW Celebrates International Education Week.
Light the Way 2017
The 2017 Light the Way Holiday Festival is set for 6:30 p.m., tomorrow, Saturday, Nov 18 in front of the Fine Arts Center. The lights will be turned on immediately following a short ceremony so guests can enjoy the night's festivities under the lights. The evening will conclude with a fireworks finale in front of the Generalate for all to enjoy. The event will feature performances by the choirs and performance groups of UIW and the Brainpower Connection schools, a Food Truck Yard, the Kids' Corner where guests can take selfies with Santa, have free cookies and cocoa and take part in activities brought to us by our friends at the DoSeum, Bird Bakery and Fun 4 Alamo Kids. Guests also will have the opportunity to get a jump-start on their Christmas shopping from over 30 local vendors at the Holiday Shoppe. Don't forget to bring a new unwrapped toy for the Elf Louise Christmas Project. Admission is free and limited parking is available on campus. Overflow parking will be available on the AT&T lot across Hildebrand. Call (210) 829-6001 for details or visit
Pictured with a UIW student is Dr. Lopita Nath at the "How to tie a Sari" event, which was just one of over 15 events held in celebration of International Week.
Golden Harvest 5K & Red's Rad Race
The Human Performance and Sports Management Organization presents the 2017 Golden Harvest 5K & Red's Rad Race on Sunday, Nov. 19 beginning at 6:30 a.m. To register please click here: Register Now. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. The race begins at 8 a.m. Proceeds benefit St. Vincent de Paul of San Antonio. Donations of canned goods, perishable, dry, or bulk foods are encouraged. Donations can be dropped off at the Ettling Center or at Packet Pick up on race day.
Department News
The newest issue of The Word Magazine is now online. Visit to see our Fall 2017 issue featuring the Annual Report and Honor Roll List of Donors.
Cynthia Rodriguez, an EAP Admissions Processor, ran the Las Vegas Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 12, in 3 hours and 16 minutes. She's a proud member of the EAP Stepping Up wellness group. Congratulations, Cynthia!
Pictured L-R Jonathan Lovejoy, acting dean of the School of Applied Sciences, Helen Lutz, administrative assistant to Dr. Cyndi Porter, and Julie Weber, director of marketing and recruitment, Extended Academic Programs attended the San Antonio Chamber's Spirit of America's Military dinner on Thursday Nov. 9. UIW was a sponsor of the Chambers Celebrate America's Military program.
Alejandra De Hoyos- TRiO program counselor and Alixzandra Pena- TRiO program leader led a group of students to participate in Volunteer day, on Nov. 10, at the San Antonio Food Bank.
TRiO Student Support Services
TRiO's annual Cup Runneth Over project is now accepting donations from UIW and the larger community. TRiO partners with SAMMinistries to donate filled mugs to our local San Antonio citizens who are in need. Trio is collecting travel size toiletry items including soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mugs, and individual packets of hot chocolate and tea bags. These items can be dropped off at any location where donation boxes are located on campus, at out office SEC 3145, or call 210-805-5812 for donations to be picked up by a staff member. Location stations include: SEC Welcome Center, Ettling Center, Library, Nursing building, Campus Life office, Campus Ministries, and SEC 3145.
The Office of Institutional Research will offer the last DASH training opportunity at 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 30 in the Mabee Library, Room 230. This session is open to individuals interested in accessing DASH but haven't had DASH training. Even if you've had DASH training in the past, this sessions will be helpful if you need a refresher on the basics. We will cover navigation, the functionalities of the system, as well as show you a report or two as examples of the kinds of information found in DASH.
Join the OneDrive League this month to ensure that no file is left behindThe deadline for moving UIW work files including Dropbox, My Documents, and personal files stored on the network) to your Office365 OneDrive is Dec. 20. To help with the transition the OneDrive League has added additional OneDrive training sessions throughout the month of November to help you make the transition.
- 11/20/2017 Monday - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Lib 230
- 11/27/2017 Monday - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Lib 230
- 11/28/2017 Tuesday - 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., ONLINE
- 12/04/2017 Monday - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Lib 230
Click link to sign up: Signup Genius:
If you need some one-on-one support, contact the UIW ITS OneDrive League: Terry Peak or Adela Gott to make an appointment.
Community News
- Express News - UIW gives annual Light the Way celebration a makeover
- KSAT - Holiday cheer/ Light the Way
- KABB FOX / Daytime @ Nine - UIW's Light the Way
- KABB FOX - Great Light Displays
Message from UIW President Dr. Thomas M. Evans
A big thank you to all who have participated in the various sessions we have held with the three consultants who have visited our campus over the last two weeks. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive plan addressing many areas of our University including understanding the overall higher educational landscape, improved, supportive space allocation and enrollment and retention optimization.
Susan Resnick Pierce, president of SRP Consulting and herself a former university president, gathered feedback with an emphasis on higher education trends. She will be conducting a special session with our Board of Trustees at their retreat in January. The second consultant George Mathey, principal with Dober Lidsky Mathey is a master planner. The long-range planning process we are undergoing with his firm will have multiple stages and will take about a year to complete. During that time, he will be a familiar face on campus meeting with many individuals from a variety of areas looking at lab space, classroom utilization, office space and general land use. Tom Willoughby, our third consultant and vice chancellor emeritus of enrollment at the University of Denver, is focused on enrollment and retention. His feedback will be essential to ensuring we continue to reach prospective students and that those students persist to graduation.
Some may be aware that we have been approached by a donor interested in potentially making a significant leadership gift to our athletic program and facilities. Because of the immediacy of responding to this request, we are starting our process by looking at the athletic area. Athletics is but one element of our overall comprehensive master plan. We have an obligation to respond to any individual wishing to make a significant gift to any area in a timely manner. I remain committed to exploring every facet of our campus to ensure we are operating in a way that is true to our Mission, transparent in its process and financially responsible.
Bereavement - Reininger
Peter Reininger, HVAC superintendent, is mourning the loss of his brother George Reininger, who passed away Sunday, Nov. 12. To view his obituary please click George M. Reininger. Please keep Peter and his family in your prayers.
Sports & Wellness - RAD - Self Defense Classes
R.A.D. Self Defense Classes are open to all current UIW Students, Staff and Faculty. A session is set for 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 18 on the Wellness Center Racquetball Court. Each class offers basic self-defense practices and is free. Please wear athletic clothing and closed toe shoes. RSVP to
Employee Christmas Reception
Join other full and part-time employees for the Employee Christmas Reception in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room from 3 - 6 p.m., Friday, Dec. 1, 2017, Enjoy music, photo booths, hors d'oeuvres, desserts, and a chance to win one a cash prize. Please note this is an employee only event. Regrettably no spouses or children. In order to allow maximum community participation, campus offices may close at 2:45 p.m. for employees to attend this special celebration. However, employees who do not wish to attend should continue with their normal working hours. In situations where essential services need to be provided beyond 2:45 p.m., the Dean for that academic department or divisional Vice President will determine the appropriate course of action. Please RSVP online at UIW Employee Christmas Reception by 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 30. For more information, contact Human Resources at
Cardinal Walk of Pride
The Brick & Paver Campaign is back by popular demand! If you missed, your chance to order an engraved brick or paver for the Cardinal Walk of Pride you have one more opportunity. A 4" x 8" brick is available for $250; pavers are 12" X 12" and cost $1,000. Students have a discounted price of $100 for a 4" x 8" brick. Your personalized brick/paver will remain visible for generations to come, and is tax-deductible, according to applicable tax law. To order your brick visit: The deadline to submit your order is December 8, 2017. For more information, contact Alex Castaneda, director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving at (210) 829-6071 or
Theatre Department presents Misalliance
Set in England, the action follows Hypatia - the daughter of a self-made underwear mogul. She's a "new woman;" bored with the stuffy attitudes of the aristocracy and anxious to shape her world. Shaw lets us know that fast-paced modernity is on a collision course with the stodgy status quo when he crashes an airplane into Hypatia's family estate. This romantic comedy reverses the traditional roles in courtship - in Misalliance women are the ardent hunters and men their hapless prey. Shaw's Misalliance is an ironic debate about marriage, "The New Woman", and the distance that exists between parent and child. Misalliance will run from Nov 10 through Nov 17 in the Coates Theatre. Adults: $12 Seniors: $9 Non-UIW Students: $8 Groups (10 or more): $7 UIW Students, Faculty and Staff may attend free of charge by presenting their valid ID. For more information, contact Chrissie Young at (210) 829-3800 or
Thank you for helping STTI International Honor Society of Nursing Delta Alpha at Large Chapter collect 2293 lbs of green beans for the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner!
The Frost Play Research Collection and Kappa Delta Epsilon Honor Fraternity with the Dreeben School of Education welcomed Dr. Eric Strickland, Design Consultant of the Playground Design and Consulting to discuss learning through play environments on Thursday, Nov. 16 in the Mabee Library Auditorium. Dr. Strickland discussed the importance of connecting children with outdoor play and the learn about active play environment at the Yanaguana Garden in Hemisfair Park.

The Ettling Center for Civic Leadership & Sustainability (ECCL) hosted the Fall '17 Garden Talk, Wednesday, Nov. 15 in the Gorman Garden. UIW Alumnus Stephen Lucke spoke about the educational, health, and environmental benefits of gardening. Pictured L- R are Teofilo Reyes with the ECCL and Lucke.
Friendsgiving - UIW Campus Dining
Sodexo held their annual Friendsgiving Dinner on Tuesday, Nov. 14. The event, held in the Student Center Dining Hall, was a huge success and several departments took time to share a meal with their colleagues.
Human Resources
Division of Institutional Advancement
Campus Engagement
Dreeben School of Education
University employees receive free admission to the McNay Art Museum and the San Antonio Museum of Art with their valid UIW ID. Additional fees may apply to exhibitions. For info, contact (210) 829-6019.
- The Magic of Clay and Fire: Japanese Contemporary Ceramics, through Fall 2017 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
- Antinous, the Emperor's Beloved: Investigating a Roman Portrait, through Nov. 26 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
- Intercambios: Modernist Photography in Mexico from the Permanent Collection, through Dec. 31 at the San Antonio Museum of Art
- Behind the Screen: Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, through Dec. 31 at the McNay Art Museum
- Stage Frights: Madness, Monsters, Mayhem, through Dec. 31 at the McNay Art Museum
- Transnational: Migration, Memory, Home, through Dec. 31 at the McNay Art Museum
- Rashaad Newsom: KNOT, through Jan. 5, 2018 at the McNay Art Museum
- Art & Activism: Political Prints by Goya, Orozco, and Shahn, through Jan. 14, 2018 at the McNay Art Museum
- Chuck Ramirez: All This and Heaven Too, through Jan. 14, 2018 at the McNay Art Museum
Athletics News
Top Stories
Upcoming Home Games
Nov. 17: Men's Basketball vs. McMurry - McDermott Center (7 p.m.)
Nov. 20: Women's Basketball vs. Mary Hardin-Baylor - McDermott Center (6 p.m.)
Nov. 22: Men's Basketball vs. Loyola Marymount - McDermott Center (7 p.m.)
Nov. 29: Women's Basketball vs. UMass - McDermott Center (6 p.m.)
Dec. 4: Women's Basketball vs. South Dakota - 6 p.m. McDermott Center
Dec. 5: Men's Basketball vs. Texas Lutheran - 7 p.m. McDermott Center
Dec. 16: Men's Basketball vs. UMKC - 3 p.m. McDermott Center
Dec. 28: Women's Basketball vs. McNeese (conference opener) - 6 p.m. McDermott Center
Dec. 30: Women's Basketball vs. Nicholls - 1 p.m. McDermott Center
For ticket info, contact (210) 805-3000 or visit this link.
Faculty Focus
Feik School of Pharmacy Associate Professor, Dr. Marcos Oliveira and four UIW students travelled to Kent State University on Nov. 13 to represent UIW at the international competition Mission Life VI. This group won a UIW competition to represent UIW and compete with Kent State and Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil for most innovative project developed in the context of civic engagement, social justice, concern for our environment and life. Pictured with Dr. Oliveira are FSOP students pictured in white coats Yolanda Martinez, Matthew Silvas and two UIW cardinal leaders Noah Silvas and Tyler Seno who developed a new platform to manage service learning called Serviam.
For Your Students
"Know Who You Owe" Student Loan Repayment ...Closer You Think!
Stop by Student Engagement Circle on Tuesday, Nov. 28 from noon to 1 p.m., and learn helpful tips and resources for getting a jump on your student loan repayment.
Representatives from the Office of Financial Assistance will:
- educate borrowers about their current indebtedness
- assist graduating seniors with student loan prepayment
- Provide information about repayment plans and options for loan forgiveness (postponement)
For more information contact, Heather Miller at (210) 805-1234 or
Brainpower Connection
Visit Incarnate Word High School at
Visit St. Anthony Catholic High School at
Visit St. Anthony Catholic School at
Visit St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School at
The Visitation House Ministries 2018 Fiesta Medal is here. Supplies are limited. Reserve it now! Medals can be picked up at Visitation House, 945 W. Huisache, for a suggested donation of $10. The design presents the ministry logo of the Visitation, featuring Mary and Elizabeth. Proceeds benefit homeless and poor women and their children. Visitation House is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Call Cynthia Bossard at (210) 735-6910 or email for more info.
Top Five Ways to Plug-In and Partner with Women's Global Connection
Women's Global Connection is immensely grateful for our ongoing strong partnerships with the UIW community. The flyer in this link provides an introduction to the top five ways to plug-in and partner with us to promote the learning and leadership of women and girls locally and globally. Travel, research, learning presentations, interns & volunteers, and fundraising are great ways that we can work together for the benefit of others. For info, contact (210) 828-2224 or
- Rosalyna "Lynita" Ayala Yarbrough and Victor Ayala & their families on the recent loss of their mother, Rosalina Marroquin Ayala (BS '64, MA '81).
- Marcos Fragoso (Vice President for International Affairs, BBA '96, MBA '07) & family on the recent loss of his father, Felix Manuel Fragoso.
- The family of and the Marianites of Holy Cross on the recent loss of Sr. Mary McGuinness, MSC (MA '66).
- Andrew Mitchell & family on the recent loss of his wife, Rececca Castro Mitchell (BA '98).
- Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez (Director, Ettling Center for Civic Leadership & Sustainability) & family on the recent loss of his godmother, Gloria Gonzales Moreno.
- Nancy (BS '74, MEd '92) and Peter (UIW HVAC Superintendent) Reininger; Allen Williams and Charmaine Reininger Williams (IWHS '59, BA '80); Patrick Gillock and Brigid Reininger Gillock (BA '82); and Nancy Reininger Biggs (IWHS '61, ALND '84) & their families on the recent loss of their brother and brother-in-law, George M. Reininger (UIW Friend).
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events listed in this newsletter, visit