CMTR Publications
Research by Center of Medical Tourism Research (CMTR) personnel:
Video / Audio Presentations

- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Medical tourism now a growing business in Mexico, CNN (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Despite the Pandemic and Inflation, Medical Tourism is Booming. CNBC (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). The Multibillion-Dollar Medical Tourism Hub In The Heart Of Texas. Forbes (Live Interview in Documentary)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Women pay $15.4 billion more than men in annual out of pocket health care, The National Desk (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D.G. (2023). Meet Dr. Vequist, Lewis Center of the Americas (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Medical tourism in Mexico isn't new, but the recent tragedy put it in the Spotlight, NPR, All Things Considered (Live Interview with Ari Shapiro)
- Vequist, D.G. (2023). Experts weigh in on drug shortages, The National Desk (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Is Medical Tourism a Good Way to Save Money? Frugal Friends (Podcast on Apple)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Deadly kidnapping of Americans in Mexico draws attention to medical tourism industry, The National Desk (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Medical tourism drew kidnapped Americans to Mexico, along with millions of others, KSAT (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). Concern grows as pediatric hospitals struggle with shortage of beds, The National Desk (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). What is medical tourism and how common is it?, FoxNewsNY (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). David Vequist discusses medical tourism, WGN Morning News (Live Interview)
- Vequist, D. G. (2023). David G. Vequist IV, Ph.D. Founder & Director of the Center for Medical Tourism Research (CMTR), Managing Editor of the Journal of Healthcare Management Standards (JHMS), University of the Incarnate Word (UIW), Beckers Hospital Review (Podcast)
- Vequist, D. G. (2022). Curso Nacional de Clústeres, M+H Cluster 2022 (Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico)
- Vequist, D. G. (2022). Research on How the Pandemic Changed Medical Tourism, Medical Korea 2022 (Seoul, Korea)
- Vequist, D. G. (2022). ROI of Medical Tourism Investments, Health Tourism Development Center of Islamic Countries (HTDC). (Tehran, Iran)
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Choosing Top Health Care: Diplomat Health Conference 2021, Diplomat Health Conference (Washington D.C., USA)
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Turismo médico en un mundo pandémico, 5to. Congresod de Turismo de Salud (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). KAKE NEWS INVESTIGATES: New trend in Medical Tourism, KAKE News (Wichita, Kansas, USA)
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Texas Tri-County Chamber of Commerce: The State of Medicine, Texas Tri-County Chamber (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Free Markets in Health: Evidence of Better Outcomes – David Vequist, Liberty International (Medellin, Colombia)
- Vequist, D. G. (2020). Dr. David Vequist of the Center for Medical Tourism Research on Medical & health tourism, Scientific Sense (USA)
- Vequist, D. G. (2020). Cash Options Include Overseas Medical Tourism, FreedomHub
- Vequist, D. G. (2020). Free Market Healthcare in the Age of Pandemic, Liberty International (Poland)
- Vequist, D. G. (2020). "Free-Market Healthcare?" David Vequist is LIVE with Larry Sharpe on the Sharpe Way at 8 p.m., Sharpe Way (NY, NY, USA)
- Vequist, D. G. (2019). David Vequist - “Free Market Healthcare and Economic Growth in Asia”, Liberty International (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
- Vequist, D. G. (2018). Prof. David Vequist (part1) - Medical Tourism in Poland, Radio Hussar (Kracow, Poland)
- Vequist, D. G. (2017). Medical Tourism with Dr. David G. Vequist IV, eMerge Americas (Miami, Florida, USA)
Journal Articles / Proceedings / Books and Chapters
- Vequist, D. G. & Moreno, J. (in press, 2023). Immigration and Medical Tourism.
- Vequist, D. G., Moreno, J. & Rull, M. (in press, 2023). Mexican Retirement Tourism: Retirement Calculator.
- Vequist, D. G., Driskill, T. & Malto, L. (in press, 2023). Domestic Medical Tourism: Self-Insured Employer Case.
- Vequist, D. G. (in press, 2023). The Hotel at a Hospital Strategy: An Analysis. International Journal of Business Strategy and Automation (IJBSA).
- Vequist, D. G., & Moreno, J. (2023). Medical Tourism and Immigration: Tied Together in the Americas. Lewis Center Topic Briefs.
- Vequist, D. G., Geva, I., & Poe, A. (2022). International accreditation standards and the benefits to hospitals attracting medical tourists: An explanatory study. Journal of Healthcare Management Standards.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). The Continuum of Care in Cross-Border Health Travel: Implications for Medical Tourism Standards. Journal of Healthcare Management Standards.
- Vequist, D. G. (2020). Medical Tourism- Minimum Clinical Standards. ISO TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 304 -HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT.
- Vequist, D. G., & Harmsen, E. (2018). A Logical Model for the Reducing of Healthcare Costs. UIW Research Week.
- Moreno, J. & Guiry, M. (2014). The relationship between income and medical tourism. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management.
- Vequist, D. G., & Moler, C. (2017). The Ethics of Medical Tourism/Travel Business Strategies: Is There Empirical Data to Support an Impact? World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics, & Health Law.
- Michael, G., & Vequist, D. G. (2015). South Korea's Medical Tourism Destination Brand Personality and the Influence of Personal Values.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20 (5), 1-22, doi: 10.1080/10941665.2014.904804.
- Guiry, M., Scott, J., & Vequist IV, D. G. (2013). Experienced and Potential Medical Tourists' Service Quality Expectations. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26 (5)., doi: 10.1108/IJHCQA-05-2011-0034.
- Guiry, M., Teachout, M., & Vequist, D. G. (2013). Medial Tourism Motives and Service Quality. Service Excellence in Management, QUIS 13 Proceedings.
- Guiry, M., Vrzai, W., & Mang, T. (2013). Traveling Abroad to Teach a Medical Tourism Course. The Journal of Health Administration Education.
- Vequist, D. G., Guiry, M., & Bolatkale, E. (2013). Patients Using the Internet for Medical Tourism. In Melanie Smith, Laszlo Puczko (Ed.), Health, Tourism and Hospitality Spas, Wellness and Medical Travel (2nd ed.). Routledge.
- Vequist, D. G., Guiry, M., & Ipock, B. (2012). Controversies in Medical Tourism. In Moufakkir, O., Stenden University, Netherlands and Kelly, I., School of Management, University of South Australia (Eds.), Tourism, Progress and Peace. CABI Publishers.
- Vequist, D. G., McCallum, B., & Guiry, M. (2012). U.N. White Paper: The United States' Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Impact on Medical Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations: ECLAC/CEPAL.
- Guiry, M., & Vequist IV, D. G. (2011). US Medical Tourists' Motives for Travelling Abroad for Medical Care and Their Expectations of Service Quality. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 3 (1), 71-91.
- Guiry, M., & Vequist IV, D. G. (2011). Traveling Abroad for Medical Care: U.S. Medical Tourists' Expectations and Perceptions of Service Quality. Health Marketing Quarterly, 28 (3), 253-269.
- Vequst, D. G. (2011)- Reviewer: Wellness Tourism Worldwide. Report for Hungarian National Tourism Plc.
- Piazolo, M. & Zanca, N. (2011). Medical Tourism - A Case Study. Acta Polytechnica Hungary 8 (1).
- Teachout, M. S., & Vequist IV, D. G. (2010). Editorial. International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research, 2 (1).
- Guiry, M., & Vequist IV, D. G. (2010). The Role of Personal Values in Determining U.S. Medical Tourist's Expectations and Perceptions of Healthcare Facility Service Quality: An Exploratory Investigation. Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends (3), 115-140.
- Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E. (2009). The Correlation Between Medical Tourism and Biotechnology. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology (15), 287-289.
- Vequist, D. G. (2006). The Development of a Nomological Network to Describe New and Emerging Technologies in Healthcare. In H. Sherif and T. Khalil (Eds.), New Directions in Technology Management. Elsevier Publishing.Speaking Events
Conference/Congress Presentations
- Vequist, D.G. (2023). Medical Travel and Healthcare, 7th Global Webinar on Public Health, New Delhi, India.
- Vequist, D.G. (2023). Predicting Health Tourism from Public Health Statistics, International Private Hospital Congress, Tehran, Iran.
- Vequist, D.G., Pal, A., & Moreno, J. (2023). Medical Procedure Elasticity and Potential Medical Tourism, ABRI Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. & Geva, I. (2022). Training Needs of Health Tourism Clusters, Medical + Health Conference, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.
- Vequist, D. G. & Geva, I. (2022). Research on How the Pandemic Changed Medical Tourism (pdf on download link), Medical Korea 2022, Seoul, Korea.
- Vequist, D. G. (2022). Foreign medical tourists coming to the US, Dallas, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2022). Medical Tourism and Africa, E-Tourism Business Awards & Conference.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Medical Tourism Investments, MHTC insigHT 2021, Kuala Lumpur.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Medical Tourism and Diplomacy, Diplomat Health Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Vequist, D. G. & Geva, I. (2021). Strategies for the Development and Management of International Medical Tourism, Centro Fox, Guanjuato, Mexico.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Medical Tourism in a Post Pandemic World, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Digital Revenue Management in Healthcare Post Pandemic, (Virtual) Malaysia.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). International Medical Travel and HIV Treatment, Control and Prevention of HIv/AIDs, Abu Dhabi.
- Vequist, D. G. (2021). Trends for Healthcare Investors, Tr-County Chamber, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2020). Evidence of the Economic Impacts of Medical Tourism to India, Invited presentation at Medical Health Tourism 2020, Mumbai, India.
- Vequist, D. G. & Harmsen, E. (2019). Simulation of a Logical Model for the Reducing of Healthcare Costs. Southwest Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2019). Free Market Healthcare & Economic Growth in Asia. Invited presentation at Liberty International World Conference, ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia.
- Vequist, D. G. (2019). El potencial de los estados, regiones e instalaciones de Turismo Médico: un algoritmo. Invited presentation at PANASALUD 2019, Panama City, Panama.
- Vequist, D. G. (2019). Medical Tourism: Patient Consumerism on the Rise. Invited presentation at Healthcare Think Tank LLC- Houston, Houston, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2018). JCI accreditation – Signaling or Strategy? IMTJ Bi-Annual Academic Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Vequist, D. G. (2018). Medical Tourism: Patient Consumerism on the Rise. Invited presentation at Healthcare Think Tank LLC- North Texas, Dallas, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. & Harmsen, E. (2018). A Logical Model for the Reducing of Healthcare Costs. UIW Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2018). Medical Tourism: Patient Consumerism on the Rise. Invited presentation at Healthcare Think Tank LLC - San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2018). Medical Tourism: Impact to Eastern Europe. Invited presentation at Liberty International World Conference, Krakow, Poland.
- Vequist, D. G. (2018). Legal Issues in Global Health. Invited presentation at International Law Section- State Bar of Texas, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G., (2017). The Ethics of Medical Tourism. Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law. Presentation at UNESCO conference, Cyprus.
- Vequist, D. G. (2017). Medical Tourism: Free Markets. Invited presentation at Liberty International: Secrets to Preventing and Treating Disease in the Ever-Changing U.S. Health Care Landscape, Austin, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2017). The Amazing Organic Growth of Patient Consumerism in Unexpected Places: Medical Tourism in Cuba. Invited presentation at Liberty International World Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Vequist, D. G., (2017). Growing Patient Consummerism (Key Note). THSU TCM Research Summit, Austin, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2016). Medical Tourism Best Practice for Cuba. Invited presentation at Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB): Cuba, Havana, Cuba.
- Vequist, D. G. (2014). The Retirement & Healthcare Tourism Master Class, Manila, Philippines.
- Vequist, D. G. (2014). Health Tourism Trends. Health and Wellness Tourism, Stresa, Italy.
- Vequist, D. G. (2014). Medical Tourism Panel. Invited presentation at eMerge Americas, Miami, Florida.
- Vequist, D. G. (2013). Medical Tourism and Cross Border Medical Care. Seoul, Korea.
- Vequist, D. G. (2013). Medical Tourism in Galveston. Galveston, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2013) European Medical Tourism Research Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Vequist, D. G. (2012). Retiement Tourism: The Grey Gold. Well-Being and Medical Travel Conference. Phoenix, Arizona.
- Vequist, D. G. (2012). Medical Tourism Potential in India. Invited presentation at Indian Medical Tourism Conference and Alliance, Hyderabad, India.
- Vequist, D. G. (2012, April). Medical Tourism and Healthcare Information Technologies (HIT): Enablers or Barriers? 2012 HIMSS Texas Regional Conference, Galveston, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. (2012). How does retirement tourism fit into global healthcare? Meditour Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Vequist, D. G. (2011). U.S. Healthcare Reform and its Impact for Latin America: The Coming Storm? Invited presentation at Service Summit Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
- Vequist, D. G. (2011, April). Inbound Medical Tourism. American College of Cardiology Administrators, Chicago, Illinois.
- Scott, J. (2011). Investments in Medical Tourism, Meditour Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Guiry, M. (2011). A study of potential medical tourists, Cyprus.
- Vequist, D. G. (2010). Results from a Study of American Medical Tourists, Global Healthcare & Medical Tourism Conference.
- Vequist, D. G. (2010). Latest Statistics in Medical Tourism, Global Spa Summit, Istanbul, Turkey
- Vequist, D. G. & Barnes, R. (2010, June). Death Tourism: An Explorative Study. Ethical Issues in Medical Tourism, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
- Vequist, D. G. (2010). Turkey and Medical Tourism, Hetex, Anatalya, Turkey
- Vequist, D. G. (2009). Medical Tourism Research. Global Healthcare & Medical Tourism Conference. Seoul, Korea.
- Vequist, D. G. (2009). Best Practices in Customer Service from Foreign Healthcare Providers, The Beryl Institute Conference.
- Vequist, D. G. (2009, April). Medical Tourism in India. South Asian Studies Association, Orlando, Florida.
- Vequist, D. G. & Padmanabhan, P. (2007, September). Medical Tourism: Forecasting Future Trends from the Data. Sixth Annual International Smart-Sourcing Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
- Vequist, D. G. (2007, September). Small, Entrepreneurial BioTech Firms and Commercial Bank Lending: A Study. USASBE 2008, San Antonio, Texas.
- Vequist, D. G. & Dunn, T. (2004, April). The Development of a Nomological Network to Describe New and Emerging Technologies in Healthcare. 13th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), Washington, D.C., Maryland.
Press / Interviews
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Cheaper across the border: Why Americans are heading to Mexico for vet care, USA Today
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism: Navigating the Risks and Rewards, Natural Awakenings
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., 3 Texans die from fungal meningitis, CDC ties deaths to surgery in Mexico, Houston Chronicle
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., TROUBLE IN PARADISE?, DermWorld (Official Magazine of the American Academy of Dermtology Association)
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Exploring Medical Tourism: Why Americans Seek Care Abroad, Health and Wealth Power Hour
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., 'You only get one body': Mexico attack, recent deaths highlight risks of medical tourism, Yahoo! News
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., What Is Medical Tourism?, WWL New Orleans (Live Interview)
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Cheap cosmetic surgery in Mexico comes with risks beyond the operating table, NBC News
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Mexico kidnappings put a spotlight on medical tourism, The Washington Post
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Medical tourism to Mexico in spotlight, China Daily
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Kidnapping in Mexico Draws Attention to Medical Tourism Industry, New York Times
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., The 4 kidnapped Americans are part of a large wave of U.S. medical tourism in Mexico, NPR
- 2023: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism: The Benefits And Risks Of Getting A Tummy Tuck In Mexico Or IVF In India, Forbes
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., Charted: US medical tourism dollars lost to Covid-19, Advisory Board
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., Miguel Torruco highlights that health tourism has been consolidated, EnDirectoQroo
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., Study: Internet medicine prices in Mexico 40% cheaper than online in US, El Paso Matters
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., Why are more people traveling abroad for cosmetic surgery, and what are the risks?, USA Today
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., Medication tourism: how far would you go for the right drug?, The Pharmaceutical Journal
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., COVID-19 pandemic dents medical tourism revenue, Modern Healthcare
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., UIW Center for Medical Tourism Research to Lead Year-Long Initiative, UIW
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., 'People will travel', USA Today
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., They project a medical tourist cluster in Piedras Negras, Capital Coahuila.
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., They will certify PN in medical tourism, Zocalo.
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., Norma Treviño meets with staff from the University of the Incarnate Word, GMN.
- 2022: Vequist, D. G., E-Tourism Business Awards, Sahara Weekly.
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., 35 expertos nacionales e internacionales participan en el V Congreso de Turismo de Salud (UREVAL).
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., Research identifies four trends that will help medical tourism, International Medical Travel Journal (IMTJ).
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., In Messico per per le cure low cost, Italia Oggi.
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., They travel more to the US, but for vaccines, La Reforma (Mexico).
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., Thousands of Mexicans travel to the United States to get vaccinated against covid-19 and help the Texas economy, Dallas Morning News/Al Dia Dallas.
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., How COVID cost Houston $294 million in medical tourism dollars last year, Houston Chronicle.
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., Medical tourism is drawing patients, even in a pandemic., New York Times.
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., Starts V International Congress of Health and Wellness Tourism,
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., Fifth edition of the International Congress of Health and Wellness Tourism develops a successful agenda of panels and conferences, Travel Trade Caribbean
- 2020: Vequist, D. G., Hospitals lose billions in hit to medical tourism, Becker's Hospital Review.
- 2020: Vequist, D. G., Medical tourism craters during coronavirus pandemic, hospitals lose billions, CNBC News.
- 2020: Vequist, D. G., 'The Future Looks Bleak': The Pandemic Ravages Medical Tourism., New York Times.
- 2020: Vequist, D. G., Advisor 2020, Finseca / Gama Foudaton
- 2019: Vequist, D. G., US citizens going to other countries for cheap health care., AFP.
- 2019: Vequist, D. G., Agenda Del La Conferencia Panasalud 2019, Do Health Well.
- 2019: Vequist, D. G. Thailand, Singapore and India are leading medical tourism in Asia. Thailand Business News.
- 2019: Vequist, D. G., Liberty International World Conference Mongolia 2019 – Report.
- 2018: Vequist, D. G., Health Consumerism & Free Markets, Liberty International (YouTube).
- 2018: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism in Poland, Radio Hussar.
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Inbound Medical Travel to the US, Middle East Health.
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Le Tourism Medical, Tour Hebdo.
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Egypt looks to health care sector to heal tourism, Zawya.
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Medical Globalization and Free Trade, Libertarian Party Bexar County (YouTube).
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Healthcare Globalization, Liberty International (YouTube).
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Focus on Medical & Health Tourism, TalkTravel Magazine.
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism, Al Jazeera English.
- 2017: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism Is Big Business But Still an Emerging Market, Skift Magazine.
- 2016: Vequist, D. G., CORPORATE WELLNESS PROGRAMS IN TEXAS, Texas CEO Magazine.
- 2016: Vequist, D. G., What 'Obamacare' means for medical tourism abroad, Anchorage Daily News.
- 2016: Vequist, D. G., Winning Strategies for Retirement Abroad, Consumers Digest.
- 2015: Vequist, D. G., Dr. David Vequist: Research Data Highlights Impact of Technology and Global Healthcare, Medical Travel Show.
- 2015: Vequist, D. G., Retire Abroad? Not So Fast., Research Magazine.
- 2014: Vequist, D. G., Should You Have Surgery Abroad?, AARP Magazine.
- 2014: Vequist, D. G., Headed for a facelift?, BenefitsPro Magazine.
- 2014: Vequist, D. G., The Best Money Saving Strategy Most Texas CEOs Aren't Using, Texas CEO Magazine.
- 2014: Vequist, D. G., Is medical tourism headed for a facelift?, BenefitsPro Magazine.
- 2014: Vequist, D. G., Foreign patients boost Houston's medical economy, Houston Public Radio.
- 2013: Vequist, D. G., Seven ways that Boomers are rewriting the rules of retirement, Reuters
- 2013: Vequist, D. G., Dream of Retiring Overseas, Financial
- 2013: Vequist, D. G., Island could become medical tourism Mecca, Houston Chronicle.
- 2013: Vequist, D. G., Trends in Lasers: Burgeoning Uses Offer Growth Opportunities., Photonics Magazine.
- 2013: Vequist, D. G., Mexicans choosing S.A. for medicine, San Antonio Express News.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism's Impact on Healthcare, Reuters.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., Hyderbad to host conference on medical tourism, New Dehli TV
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., UIW Med Tourism Meet Set for February, San Antonio Express News.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., What Obama's Affordable Care Act Means for the World's Hospitals, Global Post.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., Test, rested and replaced, BenefitsPro Magazine.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., U.S., Mexico Draw Up New Health Security Plan, Dallas Business Journal.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., Overseas Retirement Boom Is 'Gray Gold' for Agents, Travel Market Report.
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., Dental Tourism: An Opportunity for Public Health, Compendium.
- 2021: Vequist, D. G., Hyderbad to host medical tourism conference, The
- 2012: Vequist, D. G., Conference on Medical Tourism, MedIndia.
- 2011: Vequist, D. G., Pop Culture, Wealthy Chinese Spur Medical Tourism in Asia, Reuters / New York Times.
- 2011: Vequist, D. G., Concerns Grow Over Medical Tourism in Asia, Voice of America (East Asia)
- 2011: Vequist, D. G., Affluence Spurs Asian Medical Tourism, Seoul Times.
- 2011: Vequist, D. G., Asia Cashing in on Medical Tourism, Tourism Cambodia.
- 2011: Vequist, D. G., Chinese Medical Tourism, China Daily, Newspaper (largest English-language Chinese newspaper).
- 2011: Vequist, D. G., New Froniers: Medical Tourism, ENT Today, Magazine (for U.S.-based ENT physicians).
- 2010: Vequist, D. G., More Americans going global for health care, Houston Chronicle
- 2010: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism, Access, Magazine (for U.S.-based Dental Hygienists).
- 2010: Vequist, D. G., Alamo City primed to become med-tourism hub, San Antonio Business Journal, Newspaper.
- 2010: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism and Puerto Vallarta, Simply Puerto Vallarta, Web-based TV station.
- 2010: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism, HealthyMagination, Website (GE's healthcare trend website).
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Worst Medical Tourism Disasters, Travel & Leisure Magazine (online).
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism Research, Medical Tourism Wiki at
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Medical Tourism's Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 13.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Jordan, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 12.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Inbound Medical Tourism in the United States, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 11.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Valdez, E., & Morrison, B., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Latin America versus Asia, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 10.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E., Medical Tourism Economic Report: El Salvador, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 9.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., & Gursoy, B., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Turkey, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 8.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Health Care Takes a Vacation, BioPhotonics Magazine.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., Atención Médica En México, Atractiva Para 45 Millones De Estadounidenses Sin Seguro, El Financiero.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., UIW's Center for Medical Tourism Research (CMTR), KENS5 (CBS) News.
- 2009: Vequist, D. G., UIW Creates Medical Tourism Think Tank, San Antonio Express News.
- 2008: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism in the Philippines, Wow Philippines.
- 2008: Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Medical Equipment Sales, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 7.
- 2008: Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E., Medical Tourism Economic Report: South Korea, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 6.
- 2008: Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Philippines, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 5.
- 2008: Vequist, D. G., & Valdez, E., Medical Tourism Economic Report: Monterrey, Mexico, Medical Tourism Magazine, Issue 4.
- 2007: Vequist, D. G., Medical Tourism: Forecasting Future Trends,