Requests and Services

We believe that our website gives a wide range of data for different audiences and that users will be able to find what they need on this site. If you need additional assistance, please contact the Office of Institutional Research.

What kind of data does IR provide?

  • Enrollment Information
  • Graduation and Retention Rates
  • Course information
  • Degrees Conferred
  • Data for various grants
  • UIW Interactive Fact Book

When will I get my data?

It may take up to two weeks or longer for our office to process your request, depending on the complexity. We ask that you submit your request as soon as you become aware of your data needs to allow our office sufficient time to plan and work. We cannot guarantee same-day turnaround but we will do our best to accomodate your request.

I work for the media and I need data on your university. Can you provide me with the information I need?

If you are working on an article or news story, please contact the Office of Communications and Marketing. We work closely with the staff in Communications and Marketing to make sure they provide accurate data for your news items and publications.

I'm a student and I need data for a school project. Can you help me?

Make sure to submit the request as soon as you know you are going to need data. Data you receive will be redacted and aggregated in accordance to the privacy regulations to which we adhere. If you are a prospective student interested in attending UIW, please contact the Office of Admissions.