Career Services Resources


Choosing a Major and Career

Additional Career Assessment Tools

Assessments are a great way to begin your career exploration and assist in identifying your individual interests, skills and/or work values.

All assessments listed below are FREE and can provide powerful insight about careers and your next steps. It is recommended that you take several kinds of assessments and compare the results. Talk with your Career Services Advisor today about your results.


Interests are helpful to understand in relation to career planning. Career interests are different than abilities or skills. However, people tend to be attracted to activities that they enjoy and are interested in, which then affords the opportunity to develop skills and abilities.

Personality Assessment

The term “personality” refers to a person’s patterns of thinking, feeling and acting. Some aspects of personality are useful in thinking about career development. Click on the link to view and take five different personality tests.


Skills are learned behaviors and abilities. There are many different types of skills that are relevant to career development such as work content/technical skills, self-management/personal growth skills, and leadership skills.

Additional Resources

Resume Writing Assistance

Career Handouts

Interviewing Tips and Resources

Internships and Internship Search Tools

Job Search Tools

Salary Negotiation

Other Career Related Resources

Virtual Resources

Personal Statement Resources


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