Telework and Alternative Work Schedule

Telework and Alternative Work Schedule Policy

The policy provides a general framework for teleworkers and employees approved for alternative work schedules.


A successful telework employee has particular traits, a job suitable for telework and a work site that is conducive to the work assigned. A self-assessment helps an employee interested in telework decide whether telework is right for them.


  • Telework Agreement
    A Telework schedule allows employees to work at home or in an alternate workplace for all or part of their workweek. A telework agreement must be completed and signed with the appropriate approvals prior to the change in the employee's work schedule.
  • Alternative Work Schedule Agreement
    An Alternative Work Schedule is a work schedule where the arrival and departure time differ from the core operating hours. An Alternative Work Schedule Agreement must be completed and signed with the appropriate approvals prior to the change in the employee's work schedule.

Training Resources

All employees can access online training videos from LinkedIn Learning and Vector Solutions through Cardinal Apps. Some of the great training videos include:

Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Teleworker? Open
What is the difference between a Teleworker and a Mobile Worker? Open
What is a Compressed workweek? Open
What is Flextime Open
Who is eligible to Telework or have an Alternative Work Schedule? Open
Who is a good candidate for compressed work week? Open
Who is a good candidate for Telework? Open
What positions at UIW qualify for a Telework arrangement? Open
Who initiates a request for exploring a Telework arrangement or an Alternative Work Schedule? Open
How do I approach my supervisor about the opportunity for a Telework arrangement? Open
Who is responsible for submitting the Telework Agreement Form or Alternative Work Agreement Form? Open
As a supervisor, may I deny a request from an employee to Telework? Open
Can an employee's performance be considered when responding to a request for full or partial Telework? Open
Do employees have to supply their own equipment to Telework? Open
As a supervisor, can I require my employee to be on campus during a regularly scheduled Telework day(s)? Open
If I have already been working at an alternate workplace full or partial time, or been working a compressed work week or flex time, do I still need to complete the Telework or Alternative Work Schedule Agreement? Open
I supervise a department where we are open Sunday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If my employees' start and end times vary and are not the typical 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, Do I need the Alternative Work Schedule Agreement on file for each of my employees? Open
Do temporary changes to the alternate work location warrant a change in the Telework agreement? Open
Are dependents allowed to be in the alternate workplace during Telework? Open
I am a teleworker, and I have an irregular work schedule. Do I need to specify these hours in the Telework Agreement? Open
Under what circumstances can a supervisor change or terminate a Telework or Alternative Work Schedule Agreement? Open
Can the denial of a request for a Telework arrangement or an Alterative Work Schedule be grieved or appealed? Open
Can an employee terminate a Telework or Alternative Work Schedule before the agreement's expiration date? Open
Do the Telework and Alternative Work Schedule Agreements expire? Open
Is a request for a disability accommodation determined under the Telework and Alternative Work Schedule policy? Open
What happens if an employee with a Telework or Alternative Work Schedule transfers to another department? Open
How should a supervisor handle a situation where it may be appropriate to approve one employee's request for Telework or Alternative Work Schedule and deny the request of another? Open
My child is sick. Can I Telework for the day? Open
I need to Telework to care for a family member, does that fall under this policy? Open
How do supervisors evaluate multiple Telework or Alternative Work Schedule agreement requests? Open
I want to teach part-time but the course is during my normal work hours, can I adjust my schedule under the Alternative Work Schedule policy to teach the course? Open