Current Athletes
Club Sports Athlete UIW Engage Form Instructions
- Sign in to UIW Engage
- Login to Cardinal Apps and go to UIW Engage on the left hand side underneath the launchpad title.
- Search for your club sport in the search box at the top of the page. (If you are already a member of your club sport on UIW Engage then you will click on the icon of the group of people in the top right corner, go to all memberships, and browse the desired club sport in the search bar.)
- Join the organization.
- After you successfully joined, go to the Files tab, click on the physical forms. Now you can download and print the physical (must be done before 1 st game or you can't play). Turn the physical into the athletic trainer.
- Click on Forms tab. Under all categories, select general. Compete the following forms:
- Liability Waiver (must be completed before first practice)
- Health Insurance Card (must be completed before first game)
- UIW Student ID (must be completed before first game)
- Car Insurance (must be completed before first game)
- Player Profile (must be completed before first practice)
**Once all forms are completed you are eligible to begin practice. All athletes must be cleared by our athletic training before competing in a game**
How To Pay Your Dues
- Go to Active Communities
- Scroll and find your Club Sport.
- Once you find your sport, select which semester you are in.
- Then click the Register button.
- Now sign in or create an account.
- Select participant or enroll a family member.
- Click next in the bottom right hand corner.
- Click proceed to shopping cart or add another family member.
- Now click proceed to checkout.
- Review and agree to waivers, then click next.
- Enter credit card information, once finalized click Pay and Finish.
- Club Sports dues are now paid.
**Once finished, be on the lookout for an email with your receipt. **