Myths Vs Facts

Suicidal thoughts and how to talk about them can be confusing. Let’s set the record straight on some common myths about suicide.

Myth: Only certain types of people have suicidal thoughts. Open
Myth: People who say they have thoughts of suicide are only seeking attention. Open
Myth: Someone who engages in self-harm always has suicidal intentions. Open
Myth: All people who are depressed are suicidal, and all people who attempt suicide are depressed. Open
Myth: People who are at their lowest and darkest point of their depression are most likely to make a suicide attempt. Open
Myth: All people who attempted suicide truly wanted to die. Open
Myth: Talking about suicide or asking someone if they’re having thoughts of suicide will encourage them to attempt suicide. Open
Myth: Substance use is unrelated to suicidal ideation. Open
Myth: If you know someone who has attempted or died by suicide, you are less likely to attempt suicide yourself. Open
Myth: People who talk about suicide will never actually attempt suicide. Open
Myth: Suicide attempts always happen without warning. Open
Myth: If a person attempts to die by suicide and they survive, they will never attempt again. Open
Myth: Preventing suicide is impossible – once someone makes up their mind about it, it’s already too late. Open
Myth: Self-care is something people only do if they have extra time. Open