Resources & FAQ

The below documents were created to guide and support our residents. Whether you are applying for housing, preparing to move in, or departing, this page will have very useful information for you. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact our office at (210) 829-6034 or at

Before You Arrive

UIW Deposit Walk Through Open
UIW Housing Contract Open
UIW Housing Application Walk Through Open
Room Essentials Guide Open

Before You Depart

UIW Business Office Wire Transfer Authorization Form Open
Closing Meetings Open

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I submit my room inventory check? Open
How do I apply for a room change? Open
How do I change my meal plan? Open
How do I cancel my housing assignment? Open
How much of my deposit will I receive back if I cancel? Open
I would like to tour the first year residence halls. What do I need to do? Open
How can I input a maintenance request? Open
I am having issues using my card for my meal plan. What should I do? Open
Where do I get a replacement ID card? Open
I lost my room key. How do I get a new one? Open
I'm interested in being a resident assistant (RA). When does recruitment start? Open