Canvas Accessibility
What is Accessibility?
The purpose of accessibility, in Canvas' case, Digital Accessibility, is to promote equity. Here, you will find fundamental principles to ensure accessibility in Canvas.
While the number of students with documented disabilities is known, the students who remain under-diagnosed or undiagnosed will remain unknown. In keeping with the UIW Mission statement of striving for inclusion amongst a student body of diverse backgrounds, and abilities, all digital assets should/will be created and revised following the guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) an international community of experts who work on standards for the web.
W3C created the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. (WCAG). The purpose of WCAG is to provide a single, shared standard for web accessibility that governments, businesses, and organizations worldwide can use to make their websites and web-based applications more accessible to people with disabilities. WCAG provides a set of clear and specific guidelines that outline how to make web content more accessible, as well as a set of success criteria that can be used to evaluate the accessibility of web content.
Four Principles of Accessibility
There are four principles of accessibility that lay the foundation for anyone to access and use web content. The four principles were defined by WCAG as guidelines for making digital content more accessible, as well as a list of success criteria for evaluating accessibility. These criteria are referred to by the acronym "POUR."
The 5 Categories of Canvas Accessibility
When designing your course, faculty should consider all of their students' needs. All students should have equal access to their course learning content. By following these these 5 categories, faculty will make their courses more accessible:
Anthology Ally - What is it?
In our ever-evolving digital age, ensuring that all students have equal access to course materials is paramount. As educators, you constantly seek ways to promote inclusivity and adaptability. With this in mind, we're excited to introduce you to Ally, by Anthology - a transformative tool designed to bridge the accessibility gap in digital education. Please visit our Ally page by clicking the Ally banner above.