Immigration Resources

UIW ISSS is your first and best resource for F-1 and J-1 related questions.

Feel free to browse the immigration library, visa definition, F-1 and J-1 Visa information, and other helpful links regarding your non-immigration status in the U.S.    You can also make an appointment or walk into the Int'l Office.

One on One Advising 

Schedule an Appointment with Sheena

Sheena advises on OPT, CPT, visa renewals, internships, reduced courseloads, medical leave, career options, financial issues, and much more!

Schedule an Appointment with Kelsey

Kelsey advises on travel, on-campus job search, SSN process, driver's license, and much more!


ISSS Workshops Series

UIW ISSS offers over 20 workshops each year to help you take ownership of your F-1 or J-1 status and go beyond just being an average international student.  

Want to know about a topic not covered below?  Email about your topic. 


Own Your Status Open
OPT, CPT & Internships Open
The Int'l Job Search Open
On-Campus Employment Open
Life after F-1 & J-1 Status Open
Entrepreneurs, Athletes & Non-Profits  Open
Financial Literacy: Planning & Credit Open
Know Your Rights Open
Tax Workshop Open
Making Money Legally & NIL in F-1 Status, Open
J-1 Exchange Internships & Extensions Open
Meet your local CBP Officer Open
Texas ID/ DPS Trip Open
Applying for Scholarships & Loans Open