Beyond the Classroom

Within the Program, students have created a learning community in which they are comfortable sharing ideas, exploring new topics and activities, and having fun together. Beyond our curriculum, we offer a stimulating variety of activities ranging from plays and concerts to community service projects and social events. See below for some of our programs that our students look forward to each year.
Honors Symposium
One program we look forward to every Spring is the annual Honors Symposium, where students present the results of their original research and creative projects. Subjects are diverse and range across many disciplines. In spring 2017 we heard about company branding, leadership lessons, and teaching for elementary school reading comprehension. The symposium is always free and open to the public.
Study Abroad
There is a big world out there! You are encouraged to take advantage of the wide variety of international experiences available through UIW. The Study Abroad Office offers numerous study abroad opportunities for Honors students or can connect you with other university-sponsored or independent trips. Trips range in length from 2 weeks to a full semester (fall, spring). Opportunities to intern or volunteer abroad are also available. Many of our students study abroad and we encourage it by offering a competitive Honors Study Abroad Scholarship each year.
You will be encouraged to complete an internship as part of your Honors Point System Requirement. Most students fulfill this requirement the summer after their junior year. Several resources are available to aid you in your preparation, search, and interview readiness, including the Career Center, the annual Career Fair, and the Honors Program Director. Also, the Honors Program will provide additional professional development prior to your internship, including information on professional communication and workplace etiquette.
Shared Reading
As a incoming freshman, you will read “Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy" by Cathy O'Neil. The Honors Program will provide you with a copy of the book at the New Honors Student Orientation and we will have opportunities to discuss it at our EDGE seminars throughout the academic year.