Sample Honors Projects
"Working on the honors project was such a worthwhile experience. I learned so much, and it helped me realize where I want to focus my career."
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
The Evolution of the Nocturne (PDF) Sofia Altamirano, Biology major, Music minor
Four Ten-Minute Plays: Imaginary Friend, Looking For Shelter, Music Box and Garage Band.
Garrett Anderson, Theatre arts major
Who Deserves Prison Time? The Effects of Age and Mental Health on Perceptions of Crime and Rehabilitation.
Mollimichelle K Cabeldue, Psychology/Criminal justice double major and Stefanie Boswell, Ph.D.
Memory and Recall of Dance Choreography: A Pilot Study.
Lauren A. Garza, Psychology major
Influence of Dispatch Codes on CIT and non-CIT Officer Call Responses.
Catherine Hill, Psychology major and Maria Felix-Ortiz, Ph.D.
Does This Voice Make My Butt Look Big? A Study Investigating the Correlations between Body Composition to Vocal Range and Quality.
Elizabeth Lopez, Music major and Jessica Ibarra, Ph.D.
Savage Songs: An Inquiry into Three Potentially Negative Effects of Popular Music on Society.
Susan Smith, Music industries major
From POP ART to ARTPOP: Exploring the Themes of Andy Warhol's Artwork with Drawings of Lady Gaga [drawing portfolio]
Alfred Mejia , Art major
The Harriet Jacobs Project; Evaluating Ethical Choices Made within Confined Systems (PDF)
William Timmerman, Philosophy major
School of Media and Design
Grounded [original website promoting a healthy mind-body connection]
Lauren A. Silva, Journalism major
Development of a Signal Analysis Technique for Aircraft Identification (PDF) Paul Huron, Computer Information Systems (CIS) major
Designer Dialogue (PDF) Kossla Veasna, Fashion Design major
Dreeben School of Education
Fostering Close Reading in the Elementary Classroom Using Patterned Text Crystal Frost, Interdisciplinary Studies major, Stephanie Grote-Garcia, Ph.D.
Visual Motor Integration (PDF)
Claire K. Robinson, Interdisciplinary Studies major, William Carleton, Ph.D. and Elda Martinez, Ph.D.
H-E-B School of Business
Reduce, Reuse, Sustain; A Case Study
Anna-Marie Moore , Accounting major
The Effect of the Greek Economic Crisis on the Tourism Market
Robin Korzekwa , International business major
A Case Study on the Nonprofit Industry and Internal Controls
Jonathan Zagouris, Accounting major
School of Math, Science and Engineering
Differences in Cortical Thickness Between Dyslexics and Typically Developing Readers in Early Stages of Reading
Tin Nguyen, Biochemistry major
Synthesis and Evaluation of Inhibitor for PARGBrook Morse, Chemistry major (PDF)
Public Public Health Policies and Managing Bioterrorism (PDF)
Annalisa Moore, Math major
Biodiversity Study of the Headwaters of the San Antonio River (PDF)
Hannah Peterson, Environmental science major
Soil Bacterial Diversity in the Headwaters and Incarnate Word Campus Kayla Trevino, Biology major, and David Starkey, Ph.D.
Tuning Excited State Properties of Ru(II) complexes with a 4-substituted pyridine ligand
An Vu, Chemistry major
School of Nursing and Health Professions
Self-Efficacy Differences in Physical Therapists (PDF)Sabrina Nelson, Rehabilitative Science major and John M. Velasquez, Ph.D
Does Breastfeeding Lower the Risk of Childhood Obesity?: A Literature Review
Auriel L.Vokolek, Nursing major
The Importance of Decreasing the Risk of Diabetes in Obese Children
Jordan Walkenford, Nursing major