Visit Campus
Nothing can take the place of visiting campus to get a taste of what the UIW Honors Program is really like. We will be hosting an Honors Visit Day for candidates to attend classes, visit our Honors residence wing in SkyView, chat with honors students over lunch, and discover more about the program and the school. We always include an Honors class in your schedule along with at least another one in your anticipated major. Use the online inquiry form to let us know you'd like to be part of Visit Day! You may also indicate another time more convenient for your calendar. The form goes directly to the Honors Director, who will follow up on your visit.
Also look for our "Honors Hour" during the Cardinal Preview Days, which are offered by the Admissions Office during the fall and spring semesters. Current students talk about their experiences and show off the results of their research and creative projects. Sign up for Preview Days and/or the overnight stay at the Admissions website.
If you register for a Cardinal Experience overnighter, please contact the Honors Director through the inquiry form in order to coordinate your attendance at an honors class and to meet current students on the Monday of the overnighter. We would love to meet you!